Further Reading

Thursday, 5 December 2019

A Word on 'the Rune Inguz'

The Rune Inguz  pronounced “Ing-guz” has the literal meaning “Seed” or “The god, Ing”.

Inguz is associated with fertility and wealth. It denotes the beginning of things; the birth of a project or the successful completion of a plan. The arrival of an event in someone's life, whilst appearing minor, can be very significant.

With Inguz there are excellent prospects for growth. The seed of life survives the harshest winter, and the warmth of spring with it lush grass in the meadow, and trees laden with leaves. Thus the seed survives, it proves to be hardy and resilient. Such is the power of Inguz.

Inguz is a potential energy which must accumulate gradually, in secrecy before being released as a single surge of energy. It can represent the process of a mental desire implanted by the conscious mind , as a seed of thought, into the subconscious to later emerge as a new creation on a path through life.

Thus, Inguz contains within its lore the true meaning of sacrifice. Such sacrifice occurs when one form is called upon to die so that a newly evolved form may begin to grow. Shamanic initiations, and self sacrifices can thus be associated with the rune Inguz; the willingness to die for a principle, in order for a new direction to be created from the sacrificial action.