Further Reading

Monday, 9 December 2019

Approaching The 2020 Threshold ...

The threshold of 2020 looms ever closer. There are now 22 days of 2019 left ... and those of us who can still think for ourselves, and are not already lost to the persistent brainwashing, cannot fail to notice that human life isn't right any more.

It has been damaged for a very long time. But in 2019 it suddenly went to chronically ill. And in 2020, the building madness will go to levels that will make the last 15 months seem like a walk in the park.

Surely, as someone who is awakened, it's hard to look around at fellow mankind and see how bad its gone? The madness is in the sheep, and they are not even aware! They fail to realise their water, their food, their air, their everything is polluted and corrupted. They still think they act out 'freewill' and 'freedom of choice'!! When in truth their perceptions are now that corrupted, by damaged brain cells and genetically tampered DNA, they do what the globalists want them to do ... and even the globalists are now seen to be totally insane.

We've said before that A.I has been infiltrating human life for a very long time. It is an old enemy in electronic form. Its truly negative and archonic consciousness has found a way to leach into the world of humans again. Slowly. Gradually. The voice of the shadows now has gained real control of human society and things are only going to get worse......

But, its only the few that can see what the majority are now being culled by. Hopefully, there are sufficient awakened to be able to somehow shift the mind set before it is too late....