[Wake Up World]: We all have our desires and wishes for how we would like to see the world. We may rise up against the oppressive control matrix and join resistance movements, believing that opposition by force, even if it’s for a good cause, is the way to create meaningful change.
External reality does not take on form until internal reality is formed. Whatever the form of the internal reality is, the external will be a reflection of it. The collective group consciousness of people, be it in a family, village, country, or the entire global noosphere, will reflect in the external shared reality.
Remember, we cannot call for world peace while we are still fighting within…fighting self-destructive shadows that are wreaking havoc on our peace of mind. The outer reality is a reflection of the inner reality, both individually and collectively. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we understand that mandated change by force will always be doomed to fail. We will simply match up to the reality we resonate with at the moment...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>..