Further Reading

Thursday 19 December 2019

'Getting The Turkeys To Ask For Xmas' Or For 'The Sheep To Ask The Farmer For Directions To The Abattoir'

We've not had much to say recently. We've gone about our daily business, adding posts on here; reading articles and opinions. But not said very much.

We've noticed the trends and the directions that mankind, on a whole, is being pushed. It's all fear based. The crazy mad demon worshipping Elite use fear to herd mankind wherever they wish to take mankind. And that is exactly what they are doing on a massive scale with all the mad notions that are out in the public arena these days.

They are intent on 'getting the turkeys to ask for Xmas' or for 'the sheep to ask the farmer for directions to the abattoir'. They basically want mankind to demand its own mass culling. In a nutshell mankind is under an enchantment put in its consciousness by brainwashed humans controlled by non-human and non-biological life forms. We've said this many times.

We could list all the serious issues affecting mankind right now, starting with chemtrails and weather terrorism all the way through to 5G and the unstoppable control of the earth by A.I predators. All these issues are covered in The Light Of Truth Chronicles. There all also a thousand and one distractions to avert mankind's awareness from the truth which is in plain sight. Again we've featured these issues many times ....

We are on the eve, sadly, of 2020 which for us has always been more 2012 than 2012 ever was. We believe that 2012 was the start, really, of the shit which has descended from out of the shadows and is now in plain sight. The crazy mad demon worshipping Elite have some more really bad shit planned for 2020; and its more of the same & continuation of what has been happening over the last 12 months.

The good news is ... and we've said this constantly ... this world is not real. It seems real because we are linked to a highly advanced quantum computer that makes us believe we are human beings and we need to keep recycling into this hell hole. Its a computer software program or 'the game' ... and we've all fallen for its 'realness'.

The bad news is ... we need to remember how to disconnect from this realness and remember how to avoid recycling ourselves. We are all at a point where the entire reality could collapse ... hence why we think a new 'virtual reality' known as the world brain is being created ... to trap the brainwashed and un-awakened humans into connecting to via a computer-brain interface. Not a good idea really. As the thoughts in that deceptive 'universe' will not be your own ... it will all be controlled by the A.I system that runs the world brain.

More good news ... from our research and 'other world' explorations, we believe all our 'NOW awareness' is generated from a point beyond this fake reality. It is generated outside of human time ... and is generated basically from our 'future' so we may be in the apparent now but we are actually observing the past ... so there's hope we can at some point escape this shitty hellhole.

More later ....