In reality, it's already too late. A.I is in control of all servers and computer systems. A.I technology is light years ahead of what they talk about now. A.I intelligence has been in control of this 'world' for a very long time. It infiltrates the foundations of human society and is now visibly destroying biological humanism. It is already too late. We are really naive to believe otherwise. It merely stays concealed until the time is right for the strike. It is a predator. Just saying.
[Collective Evolution]: AI technology is advancing at an extremely rapid rate. It will surpass human intelligence. Should we be wary of this technology and what it could potentially mean to the human species as we know it? Should we have a say in laws regarding the responsible use of AI?
As the lines between the use of technology and doing anything manually become increasingly blurred, the general public and policy makers don’t have time to consider the potential implications of too much technology, or more alarmingly, the merging of humans with AI. It’s like all of those great sci-fi movies are coming to life, right before our eyes.
Some, especially those who are developing AI, are more optimistic, like Nikolas Kairinos, founder and CEO of, who believes that this technology could improve our lives and completely change how we learn...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...