Further Reading

Tuesday 31 December 2019

It's Nearly Here!

It's a little over 30 minutes to go to 2020 here in Blighty. I'm the only one still up, and the only one possibly going to see the New Year in as the rest of our household, including the dog has gone to sleep.

I had a wee dram about an hour ago (Bowmore Malt Whisky ... an Xmas present). I'm half Scot and am not that celebratory about the New Year as I once was.

T.V was EXTREMELY boring this evening. We had to turn to the rip off which is Prime Video for some inspiration for some of the evening with a documentary about a haunted house. Then it was some murder series on a Free To View channel. Then it was yawns ... so I'm here adding the last few posts of 2019.

When we wake tomorrow in 2020, it won't feel any different to 2019. It never feels any different to the preceding days of the old year. And before we know it, it'll be March once more ...

And I'm hoping that by the end of the week my Bird Photography calendar will actually arrive. It was designed and ordered in the early part of December. Our postal service has e-mailed me three times with days it will arrive. But it's still not here!

Fingers crossed that 2020 heralds some good news; it needs to! I'm hoping to reach New Year 2020 still intact with my nearest and dearest still here ... I've adopted the philosophy now of taking out all I can from every moment and cherishing my time with loved ones, as much as I can. I'm not a fatalist, but there will come a time when the great divide separates us and we will regret not making the most of the times we were together ...

I nearly forgot the end of January 2020 is something to look forward to ... as the UK leaves the E.U. We're on that countdown at last ... so there is something to look forward to after all!! But it is all pseudo illusion as the deep state have planned that occurrence despite all the apparent opposition to it!! Everything in this realm is illusion.

And on that note ... I will leave you to your own activities ... and wish you all the best for 2020!