Further Reading

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Liar Adam Schiff now turns his attention to VP Mike Pence, claiming he has “evidence” of Ukraine corruption

[Natural News]: For more than two years, Rep. Adam Schiff claimed that he had overwhelming evidence that President Donald Trump “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“I certainly said there’s ample evidence of collusion,” Schiff claimed during an appearance on “The View” when asked about it by co-host Megan McCain in March 2018.

“If you look at the facts that are already in the public domain, they’re pretty damning starting with George Papadopoulos,” he continued.

“We know that Papadopoulos was approached by the Russians and told back in April of the election year (2016) before the Clinton campaign knew that the Russians had stolen … DNC e-mails and we also know they previewed their anonymous dissemination of those e-mails with Papadopoulos back in April,” the California Democrat and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee noted.

“Now it was only weeks later that the Russians made a second approach to the Trump campaign, this time at the highest levels at Trump Tower in a meeting that they previewed by saying that they wanted to offer incriminating information about Hillary,” Schiff said.

None of this is accurate. As for Papadopoulos, we know that he was set up by rogue FBI agents under James Comey and Andrew McCabe who launched “Crossfire Hurricane” — a.k.a. Spygate — to undermine President Trump’s 2016 campaign and then his administration after he won...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...