Further Reading

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Physicists Are Creating Lasers Powerful Enough to Rip Holes in the Fabric of Reality

Meanwhile, away from all the distractions and smoke screens deliberately created,  we have factions of the Elite Agencies undertaking experiments & procedures with technology FAR FAR more advanced than what will ever be admitted to in the public eye.

We get the sense there is a panic from these agencies; and a need to somehow escape this prison vibration. This article maybe hints at this ...

[Waking Times]: People generally balk at the idea of scientists experimenting with and manipulating certain pillars of physical reality, whether that be gene splicing, artificial intelligence, or nuclear fusion.

But in the last couple of decades, a new twist on this modern Island of Dr. Moreau-style narrative has surfaced in the form of scientists experimenting on high-velocity elementary particles (such as the CERN Hadron Collider) and other quantum enigmas.

Laser physicists recently chortled “hold my beer” in announcing that they are developing a laser so powerful it can shred all matter, including the very electrons and nuclei that constitute the fabric of reality itself.

Earlier this month, the physics journal Physical Review Letters published a paper discussing how new technology could allow a high-velocity laser to pierce “through [the] fabric of the Universe.” The trick, according to a researcher at the Université Paris-Saclay, is to anchor and focus the laser using a mirror made of plasma.

In an analysis written for Ars Technica, physicist and writer Chris Lee broke down the logistical hurdles the new technique could overcome. By consolidating a 5-10 petawatt laser for around 5-5000 joules of energy for somewhere between a picosecond or femtosecond, scientists can muster an intensity of 1022W/cm2, which is when a plasma state kicks in and creates a conductive gas of excited particles whose electrons reflect light.

Other laser experiments have concentrated as much as 200 petawatts of power on a target for less than a trillionth of a second.

Using a plasma mirror, scientists can reach 1029W/cm2 and accelerate electrons to the point where they will be “generating real charges from the apparent nothingness of empty space.” ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...