Further Reading

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Studies on Plants Suggest Consciousness Exists As A Separate Entity From The Brain

[Collective Evolution]: When it comes to the topic of consciousness, it’s something, in our opinion, all living life forms possess. Including plants, and we believe there is conclusive evidence for that.

In fact, the question of whether consciousness is something that resides outside of the brain, or is a product of it, has long been the subject of scientific debate. Parapsychological studies, which have gone through rigorous testing and according to statistics professor, Dr Jessica Utts at UC Irvine, have tighter controls than any other area of science, hint to the idea that consciousness is not solely located within us.

This is evident by the fact that humans have the ability to “perceive” remote locations regardless of geographical distance (remote viewing) and it’s also evident by the fact that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical material reality at a distant location, at both the quantum level and at the human level...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...