Further Reading

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet shows that in September, the Fed decided to re-elect Trump… and the money pumping began in earnest

[Natural News]: The stock market is a rigged game, of course, and current stock prices don’t even reflect real corporate earnings. Instead, they most closely echo the rise and fall of quantitative easing, a form of artificial money creation by the Federal Reserve.

The Fed uses its money creation powers to either boost presidents it wants to keep in power (like Clinton and Obama) or punish presidents it wants to see removed from power (like Trump, initially).

Barack Obama’s economic policies were disastrous, but he still managed to preside over a rising stock market thanks to the money creation policies of the Fed.

In fact, the Fed’s own charts reveal exactly how this works and what they’re trying to achieve...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>