Further Reading

Saturday 21 December 2019

The Rune Ansuz

The Rune Ansuz  pronouced “Anne – suhz” has the Literal meaning of  “Woden” or 'Breath' and 'Ancestral Sovereign God'.

Odin as a gift, the breath of life to the first humans. Ansuz is linked to inspired mental activity, along with form, speech and all the cognitive senses.

The higher spirit becomes residence in the human body when the new born child breathes its first breath and it departs the body with the very last breath.

Breath is said to be the actual point of osmosis between the physical world of the human being, and the trans-personal energy which animates the universe.  The breath is also connected to human ancestry, as the word 'spirit' comes from the same root as breath. Ancestral lineages remain unbroken to this day with those of the gods, in blood and in breath.

The Rune Ansuz has the esoteric meaning of 'The Mouth' and relates to the origin of all speech and communication; including that which is yet to come (News in advance). It can relate to the acquisition of knowledge and of learning.