Further Reading

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The same type of psychiatrists who profit from the mass drugging of children with mind-altering medications now claim President Trump is losing his mind and needs to be removed from power

[Natural News]: The fake news media is getting faker by the day, with a new absurd claim that President Trump’s mental health is “deteriorating” due to the potentially “catastrophic outcomes” of the impeachment circus.

A “trio of pre-eminent psychiatrists,” according to the really fake Independent (United Kingdom), is reportedly urging the House Judiciary Committee to dub Trump as “dangerous” due to his “brittle sense of self-worth.” In essence, they want Trump to be declared as mentally insane in order to justify removing him from office.

“We are speaking out at this time because we are convinced that, as the time of possible impeachment approaches, Donald Trump has the real potential to become ever more dangerous, a threat to the safety of our nation,” the three said in an official statement....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...