Further Reading

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

We Are In Serious Trouble

For many years everything 'untoward' in the world, that was pointed out as being 'out of the norm' was determined to be nothing more than a CONSPIRACY THEORY.

These issues became more evident, and the forces that were exposing these issues grew stronger, and stronger.

So much so, there are now alleged conspiracy theories that have been proven to be true. YET, people are STILL refusing to see what is going on around them. In plain view. They refuse to accept 'chemtrails' and 'the climate change lie' and 'globalists planning to issue in a mass culling of mankind'. These claims are again nothing more than conspiracy theories.

And now the negative powers, who are bringing in their new world order are hiding web sites that reveal the truths about what is going on. Subjects are disappearing from search engines. And their agenda, being in plain view, is now at a crucial point.

They've tampered with the sun, to hide what is there. They're changing the atmosphere through geo-engineering and planned CO2 starvation ... to limit biological life on this earth plane.

They keep the myth of the globe shaped earth going, and there being no extra terrestrial life. It's their agenda to do this ... when all the while they are creating a new environment on earth for another life form that is not carbon based.

We are in serious trouble. That is a fact.