Further Reading

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Archons and How They Interfere With Our Lives

[Waking Times]: Currently, our awareness is locked into what appears to be a “physical” body; however, that “physical” body is something that is manifested and decoded into being from another body, sometimes referred to as the etheric body or energy body.

What we call a physical body, a bio-mechanical construct with genetic processes and programs, is more like a space suit. It is a vehicle for the exploration and the expressions of consciousness.

We can call being in a body a “human experience”. These human experiences we have are normally assigned a label such as Patrick, Rachelle, Tom, or Randall.

Many believe that this energy body with integrated awareness is the first level of encoding and decoding that ultimately leads to the experience of a “physical” world. This is a well accepted take on the organization of these quantum energies and the associated Chakra system. It is in these areas that Archons prey upon us.

Each Chakra has with it associated sets of emotional states. In the realm of energy, a flow occurs from bottom to top, in and out, of each of the seven Chakras. That flow of energy can be blocked by negative emotional states such as the sacral Chakra being blocked by fear and/or the fear of death.

When that flow of energy is blocked and disrupted with nowhere to go, energy begins to leak into the electromagnetic field of the energy body. This is where Archons come into play.

Archons siphon off that leaked energy as a kind of life force and use it for themselves. In order to do that, however, there needs to be something disrupting and blocking the energy flow. Archons will manipulate us in a way that causes these energy blockages, such as luring us into conditions that would promote fear, and then siphon off the energy that is leaked.

This life force energy is necessary for their own survival as their frequency is so low they are essentially cut off from higher vibrational energies. That leaked energy could be considered sustenance for them. Because of this, they are like electromagnetic parasites...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...