Further Reading

Monday 6 January 2020

Big Tech strikes again: All criticism of transgenderism will now be treated as “malware,” equivalent to malicious code

[Natural News]: Just in time for the 2020 presidential election, a pair of college professors from the United Kingdom has unveiled a new technology for blocking “hate speech” online that involves algorithmically flagging politically incorrect language in the same way that anti-virus software identifies “malware.”

According to researcher Stephanie Ullmann and professor Marcus Tomalin, both from the University of Cambridge, this newfangled “Hate O’Meter,” as they’re calling it, will flag all potentially “controversial” content – at least as they personally define it as such – and place it into a “quarantine.”

Users will then have the option to view the content with a simple click, or leave it in the digital “trash,” never to be seen again...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...