Further Reading

Thursday 23 January 2020

German Language Police Group Decides to ‘UnWord’ the Term ‘Climate Hysteria’

[Humans Are Free]: A German panel of linguists which decides on a new word to ‘ban’ every year has announced the ‘un-wording’ of the term “climate hysteria” because it undermines propaganda about man-made global warming.

First of all, just let it sink in that there is an organization comprised of linguists which exists solely to ‘ban’ words and terms that they don’t like. Their action is known as ‘Un-word of the year’.

They’re literally attempting to re-create 1984’s Newspeak dictionary, which shrank in size year after year in order to eliminate language and limit free thought and free speech, making it harder for the plebs to vocalize their opposition to The Party.

As you may have suspected, every word or term already ‘banned’ by the group in recent years are ones used by conservatives to challenge leftist political tropes. Imagine my shock.

Terms ‘un-worded’ in recent years include “alternative facts,” “do-gooder,” “Lügenpresse” (liar press) and “welfare tourism” (referring to “foreigners in Germany allegedly leeching on the welfare system.”)

The panel says it exists to discourage the use of words that “discriminate against societal groups or may be euphemistic, disguising or misleading.”

Perhaps nervous that more Germans appear to be rejecting the cult of man-made climate change despite vociferous propaganda, this year the panel has chosen to ‘un-word’ the term “climate hysteria.”

According to the panel, which contains no scientists, the term “defames climate protection efforts and the climate protection movement, and discredits important discussions about climate protection.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...