Further Reading

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Humanity now “catastrophically stupid” as we enter the 2020s on a global SUICIDE mission that will only end in collapse

[Natural News]: If you put a few mice in a large box with plenty of food and water, they will multiply until the box becomes overcrowded and filled with feces. When the food runs out, the mice start killing and eating each other until the entire population collapses and dies.

Today in San Francisco, humans are sh###ing in the streets. Leftists are celebrating the coordinated mass murder of human babies, both the unborn and already born.

All across America, parents are permanently maiming their children’s genitalia in the name of “transgenderism.” Drug use and suicides are skyrocketing, and today’s youth are almost universally miserable, even as they virtue signal and pretend to be winning on social media.

Even as human civilization is accelerating toward runaway insanity and self destruction, we are told the answer to all this is more insanity: Take some pharmaceuticals, vote for bigger government, criminalize self-defense, pretend men can be women, celebrate infanticide, and so on. These ideas smack of the mice in the box saying, “Hey, let’s eat each other to death!”

We have now entered 2020, the year of bad ideas. The way things are shaping up, it might actually turn into the decade of bad ideas...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...