Further Reading

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 22 of 365

Well, it's official we've only got 10 years left on Planet Earth. Official if you believe what Prince Charles and Greta T have to say. It's incidentally 10 years to 2030 and UN Agenda 2030 ... coincidence?

They are demanding Carbon Zero by humans and a Green Tax. What will either of those CRAZY notions do to reduce 'climate change'? The planet NEEDS CO2 as it is a life giver ... thousands of years ago the CO2 levels were far higher than now ... we, humans, cannot affect the CO2 levels.

So when mankind gets to CO2 zero, and nothing has changed, mankind will devise ways to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere. Then when they get to zero Carbon in the atmosphere EVERYTHING DIES! End of story. It will be another mass extinction of CARBON based life forms on planet earth.

Then no doubt it will be the genesis of Silicon based life forms ... with a cloud based consciousness similar to current carbon based A.I life forms ... except it won't be 'human' consciousness as the collective mind ... it will be whatever alien consciousness that is driving the crazy globalists to destroy life on earth ....!!!

The Coronavirus Crisis (Deception)
So, its spreading world wide just as we assumed it would 24 hours ago. It was predictable really. But now they are calling it a killer virus and comparing it to the Spanish Flu of 1915 which killed 50 million. How do they know that? Unless its been manufactured and that is how many they expect it to wipe out worldwide.

Something is amiss with this MSM developing story. Its come out of China ... like they all do. Its been 'released' when millions of potential carriers are travelling world wide. This will maximise the spread. There are already cases in the US, UK, Australia and various other places. How this story will be reported in a months time doesn't bear thinking about. If tens of thousands die, what is really killing them? A mutated common cold virus ... or something else?

From the CDC website, Coronavirus is described as: ' Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with these viruses at some point in their lives. These illnesses usually only last for a short amount of time.'

No doubt hidden hand lab technicians have genetically modified the common cold virus and injected it into some animals in the Chinese market at the 'ground zero' of the crisis. Or the virus has been leaked out of the advanced Virology Lab located in the same city as ground zero.

It's not worth speculating at the minute ... but, there is a hidden hand agenda behind this for sure.

Australian Bush Fires Crisis
Sadly, new fires have started. The temperatures have risen, and Australia is not out of its tragic fire season yet.

We've got 343 days left of 2020 ... already it's shaping up to be a real nightmare year .... Matthew James