Further Reading

Sunday 5 January 2020

Memory Lane - 'Welcome Swallow'

I've had a fearful feeling in my being since leaving Australia in 2017. We've returned briefly twice, back in 2018 and more recently in November 2019 (Just when the fires had just started). My fearful feeling was that I wasn't going to get many more chances to see the incredible Australian Native birds and animals. I've been blessed from 2014 to 2017 in collecting thousands of photographs of these incredible creatures.

It's devastating that it appears my doomful portend is now a reality. It has been an ominous feeling for the last few years. We were hoping to return to Australia later in 2020, but what will we be returning to??? It doesn't bear thinking about, as little natives like the Welcome Swallow surely won't survive?

This man made disaster appears to be the next 9/11. How sick and twisted must be the minds of the planners and perpetrators to deliberately wipe out nature in the way they are doing just to create 'scorched earth' and 'prove' their climate change lie ... there is no climate change. Not as they claim anyway. Its all manufactured weather, chemtrails and a whole lot else just to force the world to its knees and use it as an excuse to commit mass human genocide. Plus wipe out ALL biological life in the process.

Anything or anyone that hates mankind or nature that much are not human. They are non-human. Fact.