Further Reading

Wednesday 1 January 2020

###NEW FEATURE### Insights Into 2020 ###NEW FEATURE###


New Year's Day always seems to be a non-event day. All the euphoria & anticipation of the Christmas period is over. And it's back to business.

Except ... we are now in 2020 ... and so much seems to be at stake. More so than ever before.

Serious fires are raging all over Australia. Wildlife is perishing. Tens of thousands of hectares of bush is ablaze. Homes are wrecked. Towns are destroyed. Lives are lost. Canberra has the world's worst air quality due to all the smoke; smoke which has travelled across the Tasmin Sea, reaching New Zealand.

Riots continue in Paris and France. President Macron calls for heavy measures to stamp it out, finally. His bullying Police force will no doubt be let loose.

In Brussels and Strasbourg, cars are set alight and uncontrollable 'humans' are on the rampage in the streets.

Sweden is truly out of control with dangerous no go zones in virtually every city.

The US threaten to use 'Iraq style' force on Iran ...

The Impeachment Scam of President Trump still rages and there is the Brexit resolution at the end of this month.

The impending 5G crisis looms with thousands of satellites now in orbit ready to beam the death rays down to earth.

The Climate Change/global warming snowball, with all its lies and deceptions, is truly rolling. Veganism. Transgenderism. Artificial Intelligence and The Internet of Things. Satanism on the rise. And a thousand other scary things. 

These are just a tiny fraction of the calamities that are active on Planet Earth.

... there is so much at stake in 2020. AND this is just the first day of this pivotal year. We have 364 more days to 2021 ... a scary thought.