Further Reading

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Tesla vehicles are now committing homicide on the streets of America. Why isn’t the corporation being held responsible?

[Natural News]: A few days into the new year it was reported that yet another Tesla car had gotten into a serious accident, smashing into a moving vehicle at a “high rate of speed” before its highly flammable battery suddenly burst into flames.

The incident took place in Salt Lake City, and while some news reports are saying that the Tesla driver may have been drunk – he supposedly ran a red light going about 122 miles per hour – Salt Lake Police Lieutenant Brett Olsen told Deseret News early on that impairment “was not immediately suspected in the crash.”

This statement led still other news outlets to speculate as to whether Tesla’s “autopilot” function may have played a role in this latest horrific tragedy, seeing as how roughly one year ago a rogue Tesla veered off the highway in New Jersey and plowed into several objects as a result of faulty autopilot programming...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...