Further Reading

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

The MMR vaccine is a total failure, and health officials are desperately trying to prevent you from discovering that fact

[Natural News]: For some odd reason, the “science-based medicine” folks refuse to acknowledge that their precious vaccines aren’t a one-size-fits-all miracle medicine.

While even the manufacturer package inserts openly admit – because they have to – that some children won’t respond to vaccines and might even suffer adverse effects from them, both the media and health “authorities” alike want us all to believe them when they say that vaccines are 100 percent safe and effective, which is why they’re working tirelessly to eliminate vaccination exemptions all across the country.

Of particular concern is the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, a highly controversial multivalent jab that we’ve repeatedly warned doesn’t hold up to scientific scrutiny. In fact, the MMR vaccine was fraudulently approved based on flawed and inaccurate studies, and is linked to causing a 340 percent increase in autism specifically among African-American boys...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...