Further Reading

Thursday, 9 January 2020

The Rune Tiwaz

The Rune Tiwaz  pronounced“Tea-waz” has the literal meaning “The god, Tyr”  and indicates justice and sacrifice.

Tiwaz is the rune of the balance and justice and the rune of sacrifice of the individual self for the well-being of mankind.

"Tyr is a one-handed god with a long history, and his hand was sacrificed to trick the wolf, Fenris, into being chained. 

Tiwaz is just victory according to the law of accumulated right past action. 

To rule justly, one is asked to make many self-sacrifices, and Tiwaz can develop the power of positive self-sacrifice and temper over-sacrifice. The belief that courage and a right cause carries the day is governed by Tiwaz. 

It is the common justice of the people rather than the use of law by tyrants (a word that uses Tyr as a root)" [Rune Secrets]

The rune Tiwaz signifies victory in battle or contest and was the rune of the warrior.  It can indicate the pursuance of a cause, with utmost vigour; the assurance of success; increase; the growth of crops. Also, protection in conflict and help in  overcoming fear and doubt; giver of confidence and destroyer of doubt.