Further Reading

Thursday 23 January 2020

Weaponized coronavirus invades the USA as world panics over possible pandemic

[Natural News]: The next wave of attack against humanity has just been unleashed. The so-called "novel coronavirus" (2019-nCoV) is now spreading across Mainland China, and with the Chinese New Year travel surge under way, China's residents are "exporting" the virus everywhere.

Confirmed cases have cropped up in Taiwan, and the CDC has confirmed that at least one patient in the United States has been infected and hospitalized (after being misdiagnosed for a week, during which he most likely spread the infections to others).

What seems obvious from the rapid adaption of this viral strain -- which has now achieved "human-to-human transmission" -- is that it has been engineered as a self-replicating weapon system to achieve the globalists' depopulation goals.

The long incubation period that seems to be presently observed allows this viral strain to spread in "stealth" mode, largely undetected until its payload fully activates. The longer the incubation period, the more people are infected and become silent carriers (who may not even know they are infected).

Currently this coronavirus is believed to have a low fatality rate, something less than 5%. However, this may change as the viral strain adapts or is altered through transgenic effects emerging from exposure to other circulating viral strains.

In other words, viral strains can, in certain cases, recombine their proteins to create whole new strains. All this virus needs is to encounter a more deadly "payload" and incorporate that genetic sequence into its own.

The bottom line? Humanity is now under serious threat from these engineered bioweapons. They are fully resistant to known antibiotics, making them "superbugs" for which there is no known conventional treatment. This will inevitably cause many people to turn to colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide, essential oils and other natural cures, since natural medicine is the only system of medicine that can stop these engineered bioweapons.

Which remedy works best against this particular strain, however, is entirely unknown, and if you are afflicted with this coronavirus, you should seek out immediate help from a naturopathic physician...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...