Further Reading

Thursday 27 February 2020

5G is the gateway to brain damage and manipulations of your health and mind

[Natural News]: In today’s hyper-connected world, human beings have become nothing more than a steady stream of data that is exploited and analyzed on a monetary basis. Data is a valuable commodity in today’s economy.

Data is constantly being collected from smartphones, smart TVs, Alexas, and other surveillance devices connected to the internet. With 5G wireless technology rushing onto the scene, that steady stream of data becomes more available, in a variety of new forms.

5G promises a new wave of EMF microwave radiation, requiring the installation of hundreds of thousands of new cell sites, towers and additions to existing infrastructure. 5G, operating in the 10-300 GHZ range, will bombard human civilization with a new torrent of short wavelength bursts of electromagnetic frequency radiation that contribute to oxidation of cells, DNA damage, and cancer.

5G is the gateway to the “Internet of Things” – allowing everyday items to connect to the internet and report on consumer decisions, behaviors, habits, trends and so much more. 5G will provide instant connectivity, as sensors and smart technology are embedded into every aspect of our lives. The data will be collected from various apps, street lamps, stop lights, vehicles, hearing aids, home security systems, pharmaceuticals, appliances, thermostats, and so much more, recording everything about your life. Sensors will document your physiological processes and understand what makes you tick.

As more data is collected about your heart rate, impulses, facial expressions, and levels of excitement, the all-knowing ‘brain’ will begin to understand why you do what you do. Cameras and microphones, connected to the internet, will give this all-knowing brain detailed documentation about people’s lives.

In conjunction with artificial intelligence, 5G becomes the open door for governments, corporations, hackers and other powers-that-be to oversee every aspect of our lives, with the potential to manipulate your future behavior. AI will sift through the heaps of data, predicting your whereabouts and influencing your future decisions and movement. Any entity that wants to sell you something will benefit from this widespread collection and analysis of data.

Who knows which powers-that-be will emerge to capitalize on the data? Who knows who will take advantage of people, as detailed data on every human being provides a roadmap to the psychology and movement of every individual?...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...