Further Reading

Sunday 16 February 2020

ANALYSIS: The CDC appears to be preparing America for announcement that coronavirus outbreaks are happening in the USA… will Hawaii be the first?

[Natural News]: We believe the CDC is now preparing America to announce that sustained outbreaks of the CoVid-19 Wuhan coronavirus are happening in America. Recent quotes from the CDC appear to be “gently warming” the American public to the idea that sustained outbreaks in America are inevitable, along with open admissions that the CDC flat out cannot stop them.

Case in point: We now have both CDC scientist Dr. Nancy Messonnier and the head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, revealing they know coronavirus outbreaks in America are inevitable. As Dr. Redfield explained on a CNN interview (see video below):

“So far we’ve been able to contain it, but I think this virus is probably with us beyond this year, and I think that eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will have community based transmission, and you can start to think of it in a sense like seasonal flu, the only difference is we don’t understand this virus.”

Importantly, when he says “you can start to think of it in a sense like seasonal flu,” what he means is that a new mutation of the coronavirus will hit us every year, and it will keep coming back. He doesn’t mean it’s weak like the seasonal flu. Most journalists are completely misinterpreting his statement. He means this virus will become endemic in the human population and never fully eradicated.

His admission that “we don’t understand this virus” is a cry for help, essentially. China is still refusing to grant the CDC access to their data, which means the CDC is crippled in any attempt to understand virus transmission, recovery rates, mortality rates and whether draconian quarantines are even working (hint: they’re not)...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...