Further Reading

Thursday 27 February 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 58 of 365

Well, we won't say we told you so, but we did warn back in December 2018 (And before) just how BAD it would get in 2020. And, it's only JUST started. It will get far worse than it currently is.

This is still only just the start of the final phase of the end.

Sadly. We are currently sitting ducks. Waiting the arrival of the coronavirus, in our part of the world. It is inevitable. So far our area has no cases, as yet. But food and medical supplies are being stockpiled and shelves are empty. This will only get worse. Our local hospital has an empty building all set up for coronavirus quarantine.

The UK will be in a lockdown come June, or sooner. Multiple outbreaks are imminent. It is inevitable. We're stocking up out freezer with meats and frozen vegetables. Plenty of bottles of water. Tubes of Vitamin C. Hand sanitisers. Toilet rolls. Antiviral sprays. All set for lockdown in our own house for weeks on end.

Fortunately I work from home, so I can continue working. Hopefully, so does our wages clerk so I can get paid.

But it's happening. And, there's no way this is an accidental leakage of a bioweapon on China. It has been systematically planned. This is part of the Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult agenda. Something on their bucket list for years. Sadly, millions are already affected worldwide. And it's going to get a whole lot worse. Once you get the virus you'll always have it. And you'll infect at least 9 people who will in turn infect at least 9 people. So its a perilous situation.

Australia had the deliberate fires creating devastation. The UK has storm after storm causing horrendous floods across the country. The EU banned dredging of rives, just like Australia were banned back-burning. So UK rivers have overflowed. Hints at deliberate flooding. Climate change? Bollocks. It's all a Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult agenda.

I'm very clinical of everything. I'm not a climate change denier. Or a conspiracy theorist. I'm a very intuitive and empathic human who sees what others can't see. And what I see, I don't like ... not one bit.

I'm dreading where we'll all be by December 2020.