Further Reading

Friday 21 February 2020

The Energy of Vibration and the Power of Frequency Control

[David Icke]: Everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates to a certain frequency, depending on the item in question the frequency it vibrates at may be high or low. This follows not only with solid items but numbers, words and symbols as well, in fact anything that is written, drawn or created has a certain vibrational frequency.

Colour has a certain vibrational frequency, some colours like white are high vibrational , while others like black hold a low vibrational frequency. The spectrum of light is the mechanism in which we can view the vibrational frequency of colours, from this spectrum we get the rainbow of colours that make up full visible light on our earth plain.

All action has a vibrational frequency, everything you say and do holds immense vibrational energy, then this frequency is amplified by the intent of either the love or the hate you put into whatever it is your doing. This is not some hypothetical theory this is very real and the basis of true magic having been used over the centuries by the elite to control the masses and use their own power and energy against them.

This is something that should be taught to every child in all schools around the world but it is considered secret sacred knowledge only for the use of the few not the masses. The elite know this and use it to their advantage in all of their dealings with the masses.

This is how they control you, this is how a few can manipulate the masses to do their bidding.

Remember the elite are liars, deceivers and masters of manipulation. When they tell you one thing it always means the opposite, misdirection is their middle name. But like in any game you need to know the rules and how they apply to you. Once you understand the rules learn how you can break them and make them work for you, just as the elite do....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...