Further Reading

Sunday 16 February 2020

U.S. military preparing to implement medical martial law due to coronavirus pandemic

[Natural News]: The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has issued an executive order (EO) calling on the United States Northern Command to start preparing for a full-blown pandemic of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) here on American soil.

According to a service-wide message issued this past week to the Navy and Marine Corp, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has officially approved the EO, which orders commanders to get ready for “widespread outbreaks” of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). They’re also reportedly being told to prepare for having to forcibly confine service members “with a history of travel to China.”

Similar to what communist China is doing by implementing medical martial law, the U.S. military under President Donald Trump is implementing what’s known as the Department of Defense Global Campaign plan for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13, which the Military Times describes as “the Pentagon’s blueprint for planning and preparing for widespread dispersion of influenza and previously unknown diseases.”

U.S. Northern Command has indicated that it is now directing the Joint Staff to commence “prudent planning” based on its assigned role to synchronize the department’s various plans for handling a pandemic flu or similar disease. At the same time, it also added that this planning does not necessarily “indicate a greater likelihood of an event developing.”

As military professionals, planning for a range of contingencies is something we owe the American people,” stated Navy Lieutenant Commander Mike Hatfield in a statement. “We coordinate with other combatant commands to assess potential impacts in the event of a pandemic and we ensure the U.S. military is poised to respond as required. The military profession fosters a culture of planning, and the fact that we are coordinating planning efforts across the geographical combatant commands is consistent with how we prepare to respond, if directed,” he further added...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...