Further Reading

Meditation & Intention Alone Won’t Really Change Our World

[Collective Evolution]: Quantum physics has illustrated that our consciousness likely plays a huge role in creating our reality. But, people might have taken this a bit far, thinking that it alone can bring about the incredible changes we all deeply know are possible.

Considering the totality of your being, are we simply only to focus on intuition, consciousness and spirit, and disregard the mind, creativity and the body? Or do these all work as part of this physical experience?

What does it even mean to advance one’s consciousness? Is it sitting and meditating? Is it releasing anger? Is it learning to meditate? Is it staying in a state of bliss all day long on your own, with no care of what others are doing in the world that you share?

We are in a time where we are having to face “the shadow”, as people call it, within ourselves and humanity. This is the aspects of ourselves that is built within the old and dying paradigm of disconnection, fear and scarcity. It’s a state of consciousness and being where we see ourselves as separate from one another, in competition and fighting to survive. This way of being identifies strongly with ego, our material self only, our identity, beliefs and so forth. Within this way of thinking, we are not truly connected to our true and authentic self.

Shifting consciousness means becoming aware of what drives you, what stories, beliefs and programs are creating the actions and decisions you are making. This is what drives you and the collective. Meditation can help us quiet the mind and get clear on who we truly are, but it alone will not change our world because we must then act from that new state of consciousness....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Memory Lane - 'Currawong'


How China built a Twitter propaganda machine then let it loose on coronavirus

[Natural News]: Kalen Keegan, a college student at the University of Nebraska Omaha, immediately noticed when her Twitter account unleashed a torrent of posts in Chinese. “My other account got hacked??,” the soccer player posted on a replacement account. The new author tweeting as @Kalenkayyy had strong views on geopolitics — all aligned with the Chinese Communist Party. It was obsessed with the protests in Hong Kong, offered uncritical praise of the Hong Kong police and accused demonstrators of fomenting a “color revolution” backed by an “anti-Chinese American conspiracy.”

As the coronavirus outbreak led to a lockdown of Wuhan and its surrounding cities in late January, the Hong Kong posts were suddenly deleted. The account continued to post relentlessly in Chinese, but it now focused on the burgeoning epidemic. About a month later, her Twitter profile began to change in other ways. The reference to her college disappeared and her headshot was replaced by a generic photo of two people kissing. By the end of the week, her Twitter transformation was complete. @Kalenkayyy was now a Chinese propaganda-posting zombie account belonging to someone purportedly named Kalun Tang....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Ordo Ab Chao – Order out of Chaos

[Waking Times]: Order out of chaos is known as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who described it as: Thesis – anti-thesis – synthesis or problem-reaction-solution. Hegel postulated that the establishment elites or Illuminati had a strategy to control the masses through deliberately created division.

They first create a problem or crisis that causes the people to react with fear and demand a solution. Then offer a solution which was already pre-determined before they started the crisis. And it appears that the solution always results in more power for them and less freedoms for us.

Using fear as a weapon, the elite push their end-game agenda which is full spectrum dominance of humanity. Through manufactured crisis after crisis they achieve their goals, objectives that would not have been possible under normal circumstances. This tip-toe to tyranny is speeding up to a run and we had better be spiritually ready when the real shit hits the fan.

Our reality is changing…countries and cities on lockdown. People confined to their homes. Troops on the street. Panic buying and scarcity….

We are at siege point, frightened and uncertain for our futures. Many are desperate for information and are glued 24/7 to their tv’s, computers and phones. But the mass media deals in lies and fear is in the air.

We are being locked down and traumatized because a cold virus has killed 27,000 people at the present count when regular flu kills 200,000 people plus each year. I find this bizarre.

Perhaps this manufactured crisis is designed to bring world economies to their knees and give the elite a chance to implement a new digital currency for their new paradigm….their New World Order. The Luciferian plan for world domination has been in the works for a very long time.

To me it appears that the ‘Crown’ virus is a psychological exercise. The satanic elite don’t need to start a real pandemic. We are in such a media induced coma that they can control us by fear.

Does a super cold really warrant such hysteria and panic? Or is there another agenda?

The corona or ‘crown virus’ could well be a power grab by the elite. A live drill to see how the public respond to their ‘pandemic’ and to test how easy it would be to steal what is left of our freedoms. They are prepping us for the real thing. Push has come to shove for them…they are desperate....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Visiting Sacred Sites

[Daily OM]: From time immemorial, the hands of men and women have built sites guided by both the earth's life force and benevolent beings of light. It is because of this guidance that the sites we deem sacred have long served as repositories of wisdom, energy, and illumination that can be accessed by all.

The needs that inspire seekers to converge upon sites known to be sacred vary by individual. Some crave spiritual fulfillment above all else, while others hope to draw upon a site's energy for the purpose of enlightenment, healing, or deep meditation, awareness and knowledge of information long gone.

Sacred sites can appear insignificant to those who close themselves off from the notion of a living earth. But sites can provide us with a link to a unified consciousness that involves the living and the dead, infinite cultures, the physical plane, and the spiritual world. When we look beyond well-known sites like Stonehenge, we discover energetically active sites such as the Iron Age fogou caves of Cornwall, England, or the pyramids of Meroe in the Sudan....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Is “Spontaneous” Healing A Miracle, Magic, Synchronicity, or Self Control?

[Wake Up World]: While conventional medicine can work miracles for acute illness and traumatic injury, it tends to let people down when it comes to chronic illness or disability. This is when people tend to seek out other approaches in a quest to relieve suffering. Some find relief with using food as medicine or herbal approaches.

 Some swear by homeopathy, chiropractic medicine, or acupuncture. Some go to yoga or meditation seeking solutions. Some still find themselves lost and suffering, having tried all of the above, without relief. It is these people—and those who serve them—who have been the subject of a decade of study for me.

Those who Western medicine has given up on, who CAM modalities have failed to treat, who eat well, exercise, meditate, and take all their vitamins, supplements, and herbs—and yet, still they suffer....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....

Image of the Day - 'Australian Icons'


Monday 30 March 2020

Every Problem Is an Opportunity – Think Like an Evolutionary Solutionary

[Wake Up World]: It’s no secret that the world has some problems. The collective consciousness is confronting its shadows and seeing the damage being done to humanity and the environment.

While this is an important part of the evolutionary process, it is only one step. Another is to look for solutions for the physical, mental, and emotional issues we are facing.

There are no problems, only opportunities. You can have a problem or solution-oriented mindset. When you think like an evolutionary solutionary, you are looking at the opportunities which exist within what people perceive as being problems.

Looking at things as problems makes it difficult to overcome them and resolve them. In fact, being overwhelmed with all of the issues facing us individually and collectively can lead to us feeling apathetic, losing the will to do anything.

If you can see through the illusion of problems being too difficult to overcome, then you will not see the solutions that are there. Every problem, no matter how difficult it may be to resolve, can be resolved. Whatever you are going through in your life, or what our entire planet is struggling with, can be transcended. Of course, the more people involved in a problem, the most effort it will take to do so....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Get Ready For Potential Bitcoin And Freedom Killer: IMF To Launch A Global Currency

[Humans Are Free]: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is headquartered in Washington D.C., and it consists of 189 countries that are working to foster global cometary cooperation and secure financial stability.

The IMF says that they want to facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty all over the world.

IMF to launch a global currency. According to the latest reports coming from Reddit, the IMF gets ready to launch a global currency. What better time to do this than in the middle of a global crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic?

We’re all in the middle of a crisis, and an invisible war is undergoing today.

The whole world has the same invisible enemy, the Covid-19, that has been hurting healthcare systems and economies all over the world.

The coronavirus shutdown is hammering supply and demand all over the globe. Economy enters recession and this triggers a rolling financial crisis....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

What if the cure for the coronavirus were as simple as taking zinc?

[Natural News]: It’s now looking increasingly clear that zinc may truly be the “silver bullet” for stopping coronavirus infections and ending this global pandemic. This mineral is incredibly affordable, safe and widely available, yet no one in government or media is recommending that people take zinc, since it can’t generate the billions in profits found in prescription drugs and vaccines.

The combination of chloroquine and zinc appears to be especially potent. A study published in PLoS ONE is entitled, “Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore,” and it describes how chloroquine drives zinc into cancer cells, making those cells highly vulnerable to apoptosis (cell death of cancer cells). From the study:

Chloroquine enhanced zinc uptake by A2780 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, as assayed using a fluorescent zinc probe. This enhancement was attenuated by TPEN, a high affinity metal-binding compound, indicating the specificity of the zinc uptake.

Although that study was focused on cancer cells, we also know that zinc blocks coronavirus RNA polymerase activity, which is what the coronavirus uses to replicate. This paper, published in another PLoS journal, specifically talks about “zinc ionophores” blocking the replication of coronavirus in cell cultures: “Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture.” ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


[Daily OM]: There can be times when we get so angry with someone that we find ourselves imagining ways to seek revenge for the hurt they've caused us. Remember, however, that the thoughts you've just had are energetic creations. In order to keep yourself from having to take part in the rebalancing of energy, it is important to release the person and the thoughts into the care of the universe with forgiveness.

Before we allow ourselves to invest our energy into negative thought or action, we can remind ourselves that everything has a purpose. We can then consider that perhaps the actions of the other person or people may have had nothing to do with us. If we don't take their actions personally, it may be easier to release them.

Remembering that every interaction is an opportunity to make a better choice, we can take a deep breath before responding, allowing us just enough time to connect to center and make the choice to respond from our higher self. We can never know all the circumstances that may have led anyone to do anything....<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Castlerigg'


Nurses and loved ones report that old people are being manipulated to sign do not resuscitate (DNR) forms amid fake 'virus pandemic' to allow them to die - here's an example

[David Icke]: This is one of the emails we have received on the subject. We have removed the name of the person and the hospital involved at the writer's request:

I can categorically confirm that DNR notices are being placed on elderly patients, including those who are healthy and for whom there is no existing health condition to justify it. Not just those who have no viral infection, but also no underlying health conditions. This is being done based upon age alone. Which is illegal.

My 83-year-old mother has been until very recently in the [hospital] with an orthopaedic problem in need of specialist rehab, but is otherwise completely healthy. She was approached last Friday (20 March) by the ward consultant, who tried to coerce her into signing a DNR form. She has no underlying health conditions, other than problems affecting the lower limbs, and there is no clinical reason for such a thing to be put in place. She challenged the consultant, demanding to know what possible reason there could be, given her healthy condition, and was explicitly told that it was because of her age. She refused to co-operate. There are people working with her in an advocacy capacity, though she is entirely compos mentis and very sharp for someone of her age, and her advocate declared this to be illegal. There is already a formal complaint being lodged, for all the good that will do.

A few days later, earlier this week, the ward matron told her that she had not been singled out, and that everybody was being treated in the same way - all the elderly patients were being required to sign these forms. And that it is a 'rule', something that has come down from on high, that has to be done, and has to cover all the older patients, 'because the government says so'. QED....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Totem Bird of the Week - 'European Magpie'

The totem bird of the week for Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April 2020 is the European Magpie. Now is the time to communicate with others around you, and via the phone or skype, and to voice your thoughts and emotions. It is important to be back into the habit of communicating with other members of the human race; sharing with them your thoughts and your feelings. Talking  is a great way of healing in a difficult time.

Another glimmer of hope? UK daily death toll drops for second day in a row with 180 new fatalities - taking total victim count to 1,408 - as number of infection cases jumps by 2,619 to more than 22,000

22,000 cases of a coronavirus including flu and the common cold amid the flu season! 

So, the trauma based  mind control program is still in full force and the MSM is the main tool to force this on mankind. The systematic torture by the MSM is blocking human kind's capacity for conscious processing through terror, illusion and fear, and is then employing suggestion and operant conditioning to implant thoughts, directives and perceptions into the unconscious mind that force people to perceive things for the purpose of the programmer. The object is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness .... yep, a huge mind control program to walk mankind into the new world order prison and morgue.

[Daily Mail]: The coronavirus outbreak in the UK may finally be starting to slow after the daily death toll dropped for the second day in a row, with 180 new fatalities recorded overnight.

A total of 1,408 people in Britain have now died from the killer infection, while more than 22,000 cases have been officially diagnosed - but the true size of the outbreak remains a mystery because of the UK's controversial policy to only test patients in hospital.

England recorded 159 new deaths in the last 24 hours, while Wales reported 14, Northern Ireland six and Scotland one.

It marks the first time the daily increase in deaths has fallen for two days straight, dropping from 209 on Sunday and 260 on Saturday - in what was Britain's darkest day in the crisis yet...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

5G symptoms are similar to coronavirus symptoms

[Natural News]: Besides the known dangers associated with 5G technology, there’s another elephant in the room that’s worth mentioning: Many of the symptoms associated with 5G exposure are also symptoms associated with Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections.

Believe it or not, Wuhan, China, where the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) originated, is one of the first “smart” cities to be blanketed with 5G antennas. And independent reports confirm that 5G was “activated” in Wuhan right around the time that the virus took hold and started to wreak havoc.

The millimeter wave technology employed by 5G, which is similar to what’s blasted at airport travelers every time they pass through the naked body scanners, actually opens up the voltage gates in human cells to allow viruses like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to enter. This would explain why the symptoms of 5G exposure are closely aligned with those of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

While our skin was designed to be a protective membrane that guards against electromagnetic pollution and destruction, 5G was specifically created to penetrate it. This allows 5G to “ring your internal organs with the same frequency of the radiation,” one source explains.

“Here’s the bottom line, it’s not a surprise to the scientists that study the effects of EMF that 5G deployment has already been shown to cause flu-like symptoms in the populations exposed to it,” this same source reveals....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Sunday 29 March 2020

Smart thermometer data shows that social distancing is the key to “breaking the chain” of coronavirus spread

[Natural News]: Social distancing has been one of the buzzwords that has been going around ever since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Now, data collected from over a million smart thermometers shows it does play a crucial part in slowing down the spread of the disease.

Kinsa Health has been tracking fevers recorded with their thermometers in certain areas of the country where strict stay-in-place orders have been implemented. Their data shows decreasing rates of fever cases in these areas, while those areas that don’t have them are seeing increasing rates.

Fever is one of the most important signs that someone has the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House’ coronavirus task force, also stated that he has his temperature checked constantly.

“Every time I go into a different room, I get my temperature taken,” Fauci told reporters at the White House over the weekend....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

You are Needed: Reclaiming Humanity’s Light

[Wake Up World]: The energies of Earth recently have felt heavy, but things are brewing beneath the surface. We are receiving so much energy that our bodies need to rest, and we may even get sick since our immune systems are becoming weaker as our bodies work hard to help us expand.

There is so much that we have not been told about our origins as humans, about where we really come from, and about the true history of Earth. (Yes, this has to do with coming from other galaxies/planets, aka “aliens.”).

Many of us sharing light try to plant seeds of thought to help people awaken and expand, but we normally have to do this in small doses so as not to overwhelm the ego (which will reject things that seem too far from what it believes to be true)....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Donald Trump Signs The “Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020″ Into Law

[Collective Evolution]: President Donald Trump signed into law a pair of bills designed to boost wireless and broadband networks: the Secure 5G and Beyond Act and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act.

Why has the president not addressed or even acknowledge the concerns being made by many scientists and doctors about the potential health hazards that may be associated with 5G technology?

5G wireless technology and the implementation of it is one of many examples of how we truly don’t live in a democracy, but rather, a ‘corporatocracy.’ We are living in a world where powerful corporations seem to dictate governmental policy, and heavily influence various politicians as well as the president of the United States. We’ve seen this for a number of years now, and some presidents have warned about the power that exists which seeks to control all. President Dwight Eisenhower referred to it as the “military industrial complex,” president Theodore Roosevelt referenced it by stating that, “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” Today, Donald Trump refers to it as the “deep state.”

Sadly, right now, we seem to be living in the illusion of democracy, we believe that the people direct most of what happens, but perceived unethical and immoral implementations and measures taken by governments today usually go against the will of the people, or they simply go through and get approved due to the fact that these measures receive little or no attention at all and many people are simply unaware of the concerns associated with them....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...


[Daily OM]: Simply expressed, a weed is any plant that grows where it isn't wanted. Weeds are defined by their tendency to flourish at the expense of a gardener's overall vision, and we tend to battle their presence in our yards. It is interesting to consider, though, that a plant is a weed only within a certain context, which is to say that one person's weed is another person's wildflower. 

Most of us have pulled at least one dandelion up by its roots and disposed of it in the interest of preserving the look of a perfect green lawn, yet the dandelion is good medicine, packed with healing properties and vitamin-rich leaves that are a delicious, spicy surprise in a summer salad.

In the wild, there is no such thing as a weed because the overall vision is in the hands of Mother Nature, who accommodates and incorporates all forms of life. In nature, balance is achieved over the long term, without the aid, or interference, of a human supervisor....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>...

Viral pink eye seen in both symptomatic and asymptomatic coronavirus cases, making it a possible sign of infection

[Natural News]: Ophthalmologists may be the first people to detect if a person is infected by the novel coronavirus. Reports have surfaced that the virus can cause pink eye or conjunctivitis, and that this may be a telltale sign of infection in people who otherwise show no coronavirus-related symptoms.

Following a surge of reported cases, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has alerted ophthalmologists that the virus can cause mild follicular conjunctivitis, an eye disease associated with chlamydial and viral infections. One of the common symptoms of this disease is watery discharge, which can serve as a vehicle for transmission of the novel coronavirus.

Besides body fluids, the AAO said that transmission by aerosol contact with the conjunctiva — the tissue lining the insides of the eyelids — is also possible and urged ophthalmologists to protect their mouths, noses and eyes when caring for potentially infected patients...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

How Surveillance and 5G Are Being Fast-Tracked Under the Pretext of Fighting Coronavirus

[Take Back Your Power]: While much of the world has been focused on surviving a "pandemic", social distancing and quarantines, the proponents of mass surveillance and 5G have been scoring major gains.

During this chaotic time it’s extremely important to take note of the advancements of legislation and political maneuvers which threaten our liberty and privacy.

First, on March 23, the 5G rollout progressed even further in the USA with President Donald Trump signing a bill aimed at “securing America’s 5G infrastructure.”

The act, titled the Secure 5G and Beyond Act, calls for a comprehensive plan to securitize a nationalized 5G grid in “not later than 180 days.”

Combined with an additional bill, the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability (DATA) Act, which passed the House on 16 December 2019, these bills seek to nationalize 5G network control.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that elitist criminals in government, media, and corporations are pushing forward a carefully-orchestrated agenda to establish a global society of technocracy. This agenda appears to include:

1. Vaccines which may be mandatory (or coerced via digital certificates, wristbands, or social credit score);
2. A rapid, covert expansion of 5G;
3. Global biometric systems (such as to track who has been vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19;
the continuing implosion of the economy to make the public dependent on the State;
4. A digital currency linked to the biometrics and 5G;
5. Fear-based social control system to normalize “social distancing” and unjustified fear of other human beings....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Favourite Songs #1 - 'Tom Sawyer' Rush

We're going to start posting our own personal favourite songs over the coming weeks. Whenever I've personally gone through a difficult patch, I've always tuned to music to help get me through the patch. This current situation is just about one of the most difficult period in our lives to have to face. Hence the reason why I'm constantly playing music ... reminiscing and remembering favourite songs. I hope you enjoy the music choice. It will be varied ... kicking things off is 'Tom Sawyer' by Rush!

Image of the Day - 'Sunrise'


CoVid-19 Insight #4

I don't want to make too much of a habit of putting up 'Daily Merlin Insights' like I did once with the 3-5-7 situation, or more recently with the Brexit scam.

But, no doubt like me, you are trying to fathom out the reasons behind this current sinister crisis that is gripping the world with CoVid-19. I have my own ideas over this situation, but it is not my intention in these insights to add any speculation or theory. For that would be the human mind and ego speaking.

Instead my intention here is to present what is being provided esoterically .... and the theme here in this insight is 'where is the CoVid-19 crisis leading us, and what will be the outcome of the situation? Assuming we are permitted to get out of the lockdown situations, and the virus somehow dissipates, what can we expect our lives to be like?

There is clearly a dark agenda we are at the mercy of. And when it is an unknown force and an unknown agenda ... we are sitting ducks. There are a thousand and one theories about the NWO and microchipping and human culling and control mechanisms being banded about at the moment. But none of it is proven just yet. There are websites and apparent happenings that suggest the NWO is bringing mankind into a world of complete controlled existence ... that cannot be denied. But, I'm not interested in any of that here ...

Instead the esoteric insights provided here are:

The Lady of the Lake has the meaning of 'esoteric knowledge, enlightenment, wisdom, the ability to impart instruction, counsel, psychic healing and learning.'

Stone Seven has the meaning 'unstable effort, little progress, plans fail as a result of confused thinking, self-deceit, passivity, over-defensiveness, the need for proper conceptualisation'.

The Sun has the meaning of 'innocence, purity, enthusiasm, warmth, joy, freedom, enlightenment, intolerance of shadows in any aspect of life, clarity, directness, true vocation realised.

The relevant insights are highlighted in bold ... and it is apparent that those behind this 'live drill' are watching every development of the situation. They require it to unfold has they have planned in order to roll out agendas they've been waiting the opportunity to roll out. The minds behind the situation are obsessed with the occult and are immersed in esoteric knowledge. Hence the Lady Of the Lake making her appearance here. It's been ritualised with numerous ceremonies carried out by these crazy individuals ... and there is an expectation they will succeed ... the Lady of the Lake is all about the planning, the rituals and the prophesies behind 2020 and the dropping of the virus on certain locations in the World. So the sinister act has happened and there was the spread of CoVid-19.

They've then run out their agenda and pretty much we are now going through the steps towards their desired end game. Which is fine. Apart from the fact that 'Stone Seven' which relates to 'plans fail as a result of confused thinking' ... meaning at some point the rolling agenda will come to a respite or a stop. They'll no doubt take a rain check. It relates to an occurrence back in late January, around the time of the first official outbreak. For some reason?

The image of Stone Seven shows a great wall (It is depicting Hadrian's wall) but for the purpose of this insight it shows a great wall. China was the origin of the virus, and some confused thinking or stalling point appears to be caused by China? The grave stone in the foreground is very ominous considering the number of deaths now occurring world wide.

This stalling point may well permit the world to somehow get back on its feet. But this does warn that THERE MAY WELL BE ANOTHER OUTBREAK LATER IN THE YEAR. Or another wave of CoVid-19 .... and we could well go back into lockdowns again as those behind this get back on track again.

The outcome, for us ... appears to be intolerance of shadows in any aspect of life.......meaning there are gong to be things exposed and revealed that are currently in the shadows!! This might be the ways and means for placing the blame elsewhere and some kind of revolt taking place within the ranks of those behind this?? Certainly this insights implies strongly it won't go to plan for those behind it ... that may only be an interim-outcome ... a stalling of the inevitable maybe? Or perhaps the intention was an expose on the deep state? Indeed .true vocation realised.. hints at the reasons behind this situation maybe being exposed in the future....we can hope for a favourable outcome which lets the world get back on its feet again! - Matthew James

UPDATE 28th March 2020

 The meaning of 'intolerance of shadows in any aspect of life'...from the aspect of THEIR outcome is potentially very sinister. They want to know what we are doing 24/7; what we are thinking; what we are buying; what we are eating; what we are saying; and with who; and why. They have the sick desire to control our world totally even down to who lives or dies. They are playing a sick game with our freedoms. Currently they've taken them away and will decide when we get them back and how much we get back. THAT is their desired outcome with CoVid-19. Very sinister ....the lockdown is also a time for them to get the prison 5G grid in place and operational before we get our freedom back. When they release us ... we will be in the new world order ... operational 5G tracking us. And then its a series of short steps to implementing the UN Agenda 2030 complete surveillance of all of mankind, that was written in the Club Of Rome simulation all those years ago. The end of biological man is 10 years away. 2021 - 2024 will be a series of severe human culling programs!

Saturday 28 March 2020

In 2009 UK Government Experts Wildly Over-hyped Dangers of Swine Flu — is History Repeating With COVID-19?

[SOTT]: Amidst the coronavirus lockdown, some of the claims of governments and media have been shown to be exaggerated. Ten years ago, they tried the same thing with swine flu. They haven't learned their lessons — has the public?

On Wednesday, RT picked apart the sensationalist mortality rates that media and governments have been using to terrify the public. These figures are the product of some transparently weak statistics, and cast the true threat from Covid-19 into doubt. There is a saying among statisticians who generate the projections of how pandemics will spread that goes: ''All models are wrong.'' How true that may soon be proven. Now, in the heat of the coronavirus crisis, epidemiologists and computer modelers are being yanked in front of governments and parliaments to give their worst case scenario predictions... and some are already emerging with egg on their face.

One such expert is Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, who has been testifying before the British parliament on how many people he thinks will ultimately fall prey to Covid-19. Professor Ferguson was giving evidence as part of a parliamentary select committee on science and technology. His initial projection was that Covid-19 would claim the lives of 500,000 people in the UK — but he has revised that projection. Ferguson now believes that at most 20,000 people will die — and it could be much lower...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Using Our Own Minds

[Daily OM]: To a certain degree, we rely on other people's accounts of reality to inform us of the nature of the universe. For example, we can't all be molecular physicists, but we can benefit from taking their findings to heart. In the same way, we often look to teachers, various leaders, and gurus to tell us about the path to enlightenment and the nature of the realm of spirit.

While this input from experts is undeniably valuable, our own sense of the truth is ultimately the most important piece in processing the information we take in from external sources. In the end, we are the authorities in our own lives, and we have the final say on whether something generally held as true is true for us.

We need only take a brief look at history to remember that the religious, scientific, and political establishments that ruled the day were all wrong about something at some point in time. This is the beauty of learning, experiencing, and evolving....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Digital Dollar A-Coming: Draft Bills Mention New US Central Bank Digital Currency

[Humans Are Free]: The Digital Dollar is no longer just a concept that alternative reporters and conspiracy researchers have been warning about. It has taken a big step to becoming a reality.

This is just more proof that the coronavirus crisis is being exploited to push forward all sorts of NWO (New World Order) agendas that have been waiting in the wings for the right moment to be rolled out.

The US Congress floated a stimulus bill on Sunday March 22nd 2020 that specifically mentions the term digital dollar in reference to a new currency the USG wants launched.

This new currency has been planned for a long time; recently, it has been referred to as a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Although the provision for a digital dollar has been removed from the bill, the rulers have shown there hand.

Is this another step to the elimination of cash and to a One World Currency where every single financial transaction will recorded and monitored? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Professor Who Predicted 500K UK Deaths (which drove the lockdown policies that put you under house arrest and destroyed your livelihood) Now Says Under 20K Will Die and Peak In Two Weeks

[David Icke]: Imperial College London's Neil Ferguson - who originally estimated 500,000 deaths in the UK due to Coronavirus, now says that the virus will peak in just two or three weeks, and that UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, according to NewScientist.

The need for intensive care beds will get very close to capacity in some areas, but won’t be breached at a national level, said Ferguson. The projections are based on computer simulations of the virus spreading, which take into account the properties of the virus, the reduced transmission between people asked to stay at home and the capacity of hospitals, particularly intensive care units. -NewScientist

Why the change of heart from Ferguson - who himself has contracted COVID-19?

Ferguson - whose 'Terrifying' research from just 10 days ago predicted 2.2 million deaths in the US and that the UK would need to be under quarantine for 18 months or more - now says that coronavirus will not overwhelm the UK's ICU beds, and that over 1/2 of those it will kill would have died by the end of the year anyway because they were so old and sick.

His reasoning is that estimates of the virus's transmissibility are much higher than previously thought - and that many more people have gotten it than we realize, making it less dangerous overall.

New data from the rest of Europe suggests that the outbreak is running faster than expected, said Ferguson. As a result, epidemiologists have revised their estimate of the reproduction number (R0) of the virus. This measure of how many other people a carrier usually infects is now believed to be just over three, he said, up from 2.5. “That adds more evidence to support the more intensive social distancing measures,” he said. -NewScientist' ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

China now trying to rewrite world history by claiming the Wuhan coronavirus never originated in China

[Natural News]: As the world is just beginning to deal with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), China is already hard at work attempting to memory-hole the fact that it originated there.

And wouldn’t you know it, the Chinese government propagandists has learned their lessons from the American Left. Why wouldn’t they? One of their party’s leading contenders, Bernie Sanders, has praised Communist China while frequently criticizing his own country, America.

Up until recent weeks, China’s own state media said that the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, likely originated from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, which was shut down shortly after the emergence of the virus.

In the press conference mentioned in the letter, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told reporters it was “highly irresponsible for some media” to dub the novel coronavirus the “China virus.”

“We firmly oppose that, Zhao said, adding that “no conclusion has been reached yet on the origin of the virus.”

Well. The statistics and facts say otherwise. Though there are about 111,000 cases worldwide as of this writing, more than 85,000 of them are in China. Plus, reports have documented for months that the outbreak’s epicenter was Wuhan City....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Image of the Day - 'Within The Forbidden Zone'

CASTLERIGG STONE CIRCLE, CUMBRIA - 19.1.20 (Elsewhere the CoVid-19 hell was spreading)

Friday 27 March 2020

Another Look at The Covid-19 Pandemic

Higher aspects literally prodded me to take another look at the current CoVid-19 pandemic, and in particular the current lockdown fiasco. My focus is predominately on the situation in the UK.

This time my focus is provided by the Arthurian Tarot, simply because I use these divination aids to assess timings on matters for clients ...

They are accurate, however, in comparison with other divination cards which I've been using for 30+ years, this particular deck is a relative new addition to my collection.

My question was when the lockdown will come to an end, and if we will get back to some kind of normality.

OK, the Sword Two card on the far left represents the now, and ironically it tuned in perfectly to the period 28 March - 3rd April which is next week. This does not mean anything ends next week. On the contrary, the image depicts two swords forming a threshold in the near future. Next week is thus indicated as more stricter measures coming into play, toughing the lockdown we are experiencing here. What do you mean? It gets worse??? It's bad enough now, but next week sees more freedoms taken away. More measures.

Next, the middle card, The Sword Knight is leading us to the period 6 - 12 June, 10/11 weeks from now. Or ten weeks after next week. My favourite place, Glastonbury Tor, is in the background. Currently it is impossible to get to go anywhere let alone Glastonbury! So the message here is there is likely to be returning freedoms in 10/11 weeks time!!! Perhaps the chance to have limited travel, but not much else. But there seems to be some abatement to the current draconian house arrest we are all subjected too.

Then, the right card is the Spear Eight, and it depicts a free flowing river at the period  8 - 14 Aug which is a further 9/10 weeks after the middle card. So that's a total of 10 + 10 weeks before some kind of release of the lockdown!!! But I note the river is flowing towards me in the image, and there is some kind of rapid. Which means there may well be freedom but its against the flow ... something about real difficulties after freedom of some degree returns. Prices to pay. Terms and conditions. Nothing given back for free. A price to pay.

Scary stuff. We'll have to wait and see. The prospect of nearly 5 months in lockdown is not pleasant reading!!! - Matthew James

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Calls the COVID-19 Pandemic a ‘Live Exercise’ – Trump Responds ‘You Should Have Let Us Know’

[Humans Are Free]: "We are in the midst of a live exercise" according to US Secretary of State and former CIA head Mike Pompeo, who only a year ago openly boasted that “we lied, cheat and stole.”

Pompeo admitted on CNN that “we’re in a live exercise here” when referring to COVID-19 during a press conference. This is yet more evidence that the entire coronavirus crisis has been scripted, planned for and orchestrated.

The language that Pompeo used – “live exercise” – is eerily reminiscent of language used in false flag operations when the exercise or drill “went live”, i.e. when the very scenario that the authorities were planning for actually happened (see 9/11, 7/7 and numerous US mass shootings) as they were in the middle of their exercise.

Follow the link to watch the clip. Watch it for yourself. Notice how Trump, who is right by Pompeo’s side, appears to chide his Secretary of State right there and then during the TV performance.

Trump says: “You should have let us know.”

Does this indicate that Trump has not read in until later, reinforcing the idea that presidents and prime ministers don’t really run their countries, but are rather told what the plan is, and that they’d better get on board? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Memory Lane - 'Snakebird'


COVID-19 : A Prelude To Life Under The ‘Net Zero 2050’ Policy

[Climatism Blog]: While the world is feverishly trying to reduce emissions from fossil fuel usage, we get hit with the horrific contagious Coronavirus COVID-19. We’ve seen extensive self-imposed social adjustments to transportation that are very similar to what will be required to live with less fossil fuels in the future.

We’ve seen a serious reduction in the usage of the transportation infrastructures of airlines, cruise ships, as well as automobiles, trucks and their impact on the leisure and entertainment industries, all to avoid crowds.

Before fossil fuels and the thousands of products made from petroleum derivatives, and electricity that followed, the world was a zero-sum snake pit. One that was at war against one another scrounging for food, water, and shelter. In the 1800’s most people never traveled 100-200 miles from where they were born. Life expectancy throughout Europe hovered between 20 and 30 years of age.

The social lifestyles before 1900 had no such transportation choices, as they had no autos, planes, or cruise ships for transportation. The inventions of the automobile, airplane, and the use of petroleum in the early 1900’s led us into the Industrial Revolution. Crude oil, natural gas, and coal changed – for the better – the lifestyles of every person living in developed countries such as, the U.S., Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.

We would not be able to “make products and move things” if not for the thousands of products from petroleum derivatives that get manufactured from crude oil that wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Multiple Stanford Medical Professors Question If COVID-19 Is Really “As Deadly As They Say”

[Collective Evolution]:  Three Stanford professors of medicine has chimed in on the current coronavirus crises and share their expert opinion that extraordinary claims require extraordinary data.

Is what is happening around the world really necessary? Why aren't the same measures taken for diseases or viruses that may have a large infection/fatality rate that have been in existence for years? Is it better to be safe than sorry in this case?

Right now, tensions are high as several countries enforce strict lockdown measures, closing all non-essential businesses and encouraging or mandating that people stay in their homes unless they need to step out for something essential, like food. According to the the numbers coming daily from the media, the death rate from COVID-19 is quite high, having recently passed the 4% mark. Given the infection rate and how fast it’s spreading, it’s not surprising that many people are concerned, and lockdown measures are being enforced....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

So This is Venus ... REALLY?

Many people are noticing the really bright light at is currently in the night sky, in the approx position of our neighbour Venus. I featured an image recently of this 'anomaly'.

Tonight, I've been able to capture a closer image of this anomaly, and have enhanced the image to remove brightness etc. Does this look like a planet to you???

To me ... this has the appearance of some kind of craft or protector??? There are clearly openings in the surface of this object  .... are we looking at the front end of the object? What are we looking at here in truth? Because it is not a planet!!!

Image of the Day - 'From A Happier Time'


Iceland study identifies coronavirus mutations, says people may be infected by multiple waves of variants

[Natural News]: Genetic sequencing of swabs from nearly 10,000 people in Iceland, where 648 cases have been reported as of Tuesday, has revealed 40 different mutations in the novel coronavirus. Sequencing results also revealed that a person may be infected by two variants of the virus.

Researchers at deCODE genetics, a private biopharmaceutical company based in Reykjavik, have been assisting local health authorities in conducting tests for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. But they were also performing genetic analyses of collected samples in hopes of understanding how the virus spread in the small Icelandic community. Iceland’s population exceeds 364,000 by only a small margin...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...

Thursday 26 March 2020

Now it’s checkpoint UK: Police take to streets to stop drivers during lockdown and threaten £960 fines if they decide your journey is not ‘essential’ and start following dog walkers with DRONES

[Daily Mail]: Police warned the public to stay home or face arrest after ministers granted them unprecedented powers to enforce the coronavirus lockdown.

Boris Johnson has stressed that unless you are a key worker or helping someone vulnerable, the only reasons to go outside are to go shopping for essentials, exercise once a day or fulfil any medical needs.

Those flouting the rules face fines of up to £960, and police can now arrest anyone found outside without good reason.

Officers will also have the powers force people to go home if they fail to listen to police direction, and will be fined £60 - reduced to £30 if paid within a fortnight. For second offences it will rise to £120 and will doubling each time for further offences. The worst culprits will be taken to court and face fines of £1,000 or more.

The use of travel checks sparked fierce criticism from civil liberties groups with police officers now seemingly being tasked with deciding how important someone's journey is amid reports of dog walkers being told to go home after driving to a public space for exercise and of builders being stopped from driving to a job.

But some believe the force is going too far. One senior Tory MP told MailOnline: 'Probably what will happen is a quiet word from the policing minister to the Chief Constable of Derbyshire saying: 'can you ease off here, we don't want to give you a haranguing, but we have got enough to worry about without you telling off people who are just taking their dog for a walk.'

The MP added the government was in a difficult position where looser advice saying people could be 'reasonable' would risk being exploited by 'idiots'.

Experts have said the enforcement will divert officers from investigating other crimes, but forces including the Met insist it can form part of their usual patrol duties...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...