Further Reading

Friday 27 March 2020

Another Look at The Covid-19 Pandemic

Higher aspects literally prodded me to take another look at the current CoVid-19 pandemic, and in particular the current lockdown fiasco. My focus is predominately on the situation in the UK.

This time my focus is provided by the Arthurian Tarot, simply because I use these divination aids to assess timings on matters for clients ...

They are accurate, however, in comparison with other divination cards which I've been using for 30+ years, this particular deck is a relative new addition to my collection.

My question was when the lockdown will come to an end, and if we will get back to some kind of normality.

OK, the Sword Two card on the far left represents the now, and ironically it tuned in perfectly to the period 28 March - 3rd April which is next week. This does not mean anything ends next week. On the contrary, the image depicts two swords forming a threshold in the near future. Next week is thus indicated as more stricter measures coming into play, toughing the lockdown we are experiencing here. What do you mean? It gets worse??? It's bad enough now, but next week sees more freedoms taken away. More measures.

Next, the middle card, The Sword Knight is leading us to the period 6 - 12 June, 10/11 weeks from now. Or ten weeks after next week. My favourite place, Glastonbury Tor, is in the background. Currently it is impossible to get to go anywhere let alone Glastonbury! So the message here is there is likely to be returning freedoms in 10/11 weeks time!!! Perhaps the chance to have limited travel, but not much else. But there seems to be some abatement to the current draconian house arrest we are all subjected too.

Then, the right card is the Spear Eight, and it depicts a free flowing river at the period  8 - 14 Aug which is a further 9/10 weeks after the middle card. So that's a total of 10 + 10 weeks before some kind of release of the lockdown!!! But I note the river is flowing towards me in the image, and there is some kind of rapid. Which means there may well be freedom but its against the flow ... something about real difficulties after freedom of some degree returns. Prices to pay. Terms and conditions. Nothing given back for free. A price to pay.

Scary stuff. We'll have to wait and see. The prospect of nearly 5 months in lockdown is not pleasant reading!!! - Matthew James