Further Reading

Saturday 21 March 2020

Exploiting a Health Crisis to Create Financial One

[Humans Are Free]: WHO (World Health Organization) Director General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus stated that we must move towards digital money because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases like the coronavirus.

Now, it is possible that the agenda could go even further. The Dow Jones has plummetted in recent days, including having the biggest single drop in a day since 1929 – which was the biggest stock market crash ever and the start of the Great Depression.

We have always heard whispers and predictions of a global financial crash or a global economic reset, the idea being that the international bankers would deliberately crash the economy in order to remake it in their likeness, with more centralization of power, a One World Bank and a One World Currency. Has the time finally come for them to implement this scheme?

It is still too early to say. However, in addition to the ominous signs of the stock market falling and the economy in many countries slowing or grinding to a halt (due to forced social isolations or quarantines), there are other signs.

The USG, via the Federal Reserve, is literally pumping trillions – up to a theoretical $4.5 trillion in 4 weeks starting March 12th, 2020 – into the system to keep it afloat. This is money printed out of nothing, with no economic rationale for its existence.

For the last few years, the big international banks have been feverishly preparing to launch their own digital currencies, which some people call cryptocurrencies but which are not true cryptos (the banks are obviously not interested in decentralized platforms and anonymous transactions; they want centralized control and surveillance)....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...