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Friday 20 March 2020

New study says people with blood type A more likely to catch the coronavirus

[Natural News]: People with blood type A have a significantly higher risk of getting infected by the coronavirus than people with other blood types. Meanwhile, those with type O blood, the most common blood type, have a much lower risk. These findings were reported by Chinese researchers on Monday in a study posted on the pre-print server for health sciences, medRxiv.

According to the researchers, who looked at the relationship between different blood types and susceptibility to the coronavirus in two heavily affected regions in China, the number of infected patients whose blood type is A far eclipsed the number of cases involving other blood types, despite type O being the most predominant blood type among a sample population from Wuhan.

The researchers found that the distribution of these blood types in a sample of 3,694 normal people was 32.16 percent for type A, 24.90 percent for type B, 9.10 percent for type AB and 33.84 percent for type O. This showed the predominance of the O blood type. Compared with the distribution of these blood types in 1,775 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Wuhan, the researchers found that the proportion of those with blood type A was significantly higher at 37.75 percent than those with type O blood, who only made up 25.80 percent of the cases. Meanwhile, patients with blood types B or AB also had low percentages, comprising only 26.42 percent and 10.03 percent of infected cases, respectively.

The researchers also observed a similar pattern of blood type distribution in 398 cases from two other hospitals, one in Wuhan and one in Shenzhen. In addition, the same pattern of high-risk blood type A and low-risk blood type O emerged when they considered only cases where patients had died. Among the 206 confirmed dead cases, 41.26 percent had blood type A while only 25.24 percent had blood type O. This distribution pattern led the researchers to believe that those with blood type A have a greater risk not only of being infected by the coronavirus but also of dying from the disease...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...