Further Reading

Monday 23 March 2020

The Great 2020 Shake Up for the Wake Up

[Waking Times]: On average 150,000 people die each day in the world and even more are born. Life continues its natural cycle of birth and death. The sun still rises and sets despite what price the markets open or close at. Empires, including the American Empire, rise and fall but the earth remains.

Germany and Japan were bombed to rubble in World War II and one-third of their population was dead. Yet they rose from the ashes.

Our world is still intact. The sky is still blue and in many places, even more blue. Our buildings are still standing, our airplanes, though grounded, are still working and we are waking up even more to what is really real.

The hypnotic spell of “normal” is breaking. When the world resets and restarts, it will never be the same.

So what will the new world look and feel like?

Will we move into a world of greater freedom, connection, compassion, sharing and truth? Or will we move into a permanent state of totalitarian lock down – for our own safety of course? Ultimately it is up to us.

A friend told me this could be the “Apocalypse”. I hope he’s right, because the Greek meaning of the word “apocalypse” is the unveiling of truth. It’s about time.

It’s getting harder and harder to hide the truth behind a thinning veil of “normalcy”. Times are getting real and the fake world, as advertised and sold, is falling apart like the proverbial “cheap suit”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...