Further Reading

Sunday 26 April 2020

Bill Gates Continues to Push ‘Immunity Passports’ and Tech-Enabled Surveillance State

[Humans Are Free]: Bill Gates has inserted himself into the national dialogue as a self-proclaimed coronavirus sage who will lead the world out of dark times through a digitally-assisted brave new world of testing, contact tracing, and of course – a vaccine.

Of course, some of this might not be such a bad idea if it wasn’t coming from Gates, who’s written an op-ed in the Washington Post to elaborate on his thoughts – which makes the whole thing seem even more nefarious.

Sure, my Dad was on the board of planned parenthood – an organization founded by a eugenecist, and yes, I’ve talked about the need for population reduction for years. And sure, I want you to take my vaccines and get chipped. And ok, maybe India kicked us out after our immunization campaign was blamed for paralyzing 490,000 kids. And yeah, there was that whole ‘coronavirus pandemic‘ simulation my foundation spearheaded late last year which modeled 65 million dead. BUT, hear me out…‘

All jokes aside, here’s what Gates proposes in his WaPo Op-Ed in order to ‘reopen the economy.’...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...