Further Reading

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Covid-19 Insight #7

Tonight's 'involuntary' insight is based around the agenda behind CoVid-19. It assumes that the virus is man made ... and there are individuals behind its release and the subsequent medical martial law around the world.

Two questions:

'The concept or ideal behind the agenda';

'The most likely outcome' ...

The first question heralded the following insights:

Sword Four - it is time to reassess one's powers and limitations in quiet seclusion; education is incomplete until learning from others; 11 - 17 April

Prydwen - the harnessing of abilities towards a greater purpose; tests; trials; faith in one's abilities and the true strength of one's determination are tested to the utmost

Stone Ten - the stone castle is always a place of testing; chess pieces are seen to be moving on their own accord; 21 - 27 February

Merlin - enables the manifestation of events which lie in embryo, though he doesn't manipulate events; the impulse of creation; mastery through disciplined skill.

And, the second question:

Sword Three - Sorrow, deep disappointment; analyse one's receptivity to the tide of events and acknowledge one's responsibility for other's pain;  4 - 10 April

Sword Queen - defender of the unprotected

The Round Table - Cyclic change; adaptation; the passing of a project or concept; cosmic law or karma

'The concept or ideal behind the agenda' ... a live drill to assess and observe what transpires. Still parts of agenda not in place. Tests and trials (Vaccine?). Certainly there is an agenda being pushed through behind the smokescreen of Covid-19. Appears phase 1 of something much bigger ... though all the organising to get the this point are likely to be previous phases. This does not appear to be the big event or the end game. That button has not yet been pressed.

'The most likely outcome' ... a worrying indication is 'defender of the unprotected' which is another name for a vaccine is it not? This was always the intention to push a dangerous vaccine we wouldn't accept under normal circumstances. Problem - Covid-19 pandemic; Reaction - how do we come out of the lockdown and get back to normal?; Solution - the vaccine they had ready all along plus the microdots that will indicate that you've received the vaccine and more.

However some hope is offered with the indication of deep disappointment in particular. I'd love to say the outcome is not going to be achieved ... but being truthful .. there is an indication of eventual success ... as those behind this will keep 'releasing' the virus and keep putting us into lockdowns until we submit to the vaccine.

Then it's game over ... I'd warned how bad November 2020 was going to be ... sorry but it does not look like good news. Possibly Covid-19 kicks off again later in the year but much worse the 2nd time round.

And the image of The Round Table is a real worry with all the Elon Musk satellites going into orbit plus the push for the 5G completion within 180 days. The stones of the circle complete an enclosure ... with a spinning disk above it and a series of stars which can represent the satellites in the sky. Sadly the prison doors are now being locked as we endure this lockdown. Once the satellites and the 5G system is in place, I think we will see what the true purpose of all the temporary nightingale hospitals are for ... deemed Covid-19 but more likely to be as a result of the sub-reality grid being switched on.