Further Reading

Sunday 19 April 2020

Covid-19 Insight #13

This insight is a follow on from an earlier insight: Another Look at The Covid-19 Pandemic  in which I looked at when the UK is likely to come out of the current Lockdown ... in that particular insight the suggestion was around 6 - 12th June 2020. 

I'm going back over old ground to see if there is any change to this earlier insight .. and also to extend the question to what form the exit strategy might take ...

The Sword King and The Moon were insistent on being picked for the insight. I'd initially rejected them and put them back into the pile; and then shuffled 27 times as that is the vibration of today - 19.4.2020. They both then came back out on the next round of choosing the images.

Sword King - Giver of justice; wise counsellor; analytical judgements cutting to the heart of the matter.

The Moon - necessary preparations; fluctuation; the inner destiny of the one who will come; introspection 

Stone Six - Material success; good fortune shared; the great work; 24 - 30 January

Sword Hallow - Incisive energy; the dispelling of illusions; conquest; light in dark places; 21 - 27 March

Stone Queen - she understands the relationship of all life to the land; noble and practical; 14 - 20 March

Grail Seven - illusion; the need for emotional discipline; 31 October - 6 November

This is pretty much what I expected, in truth. This insight will not elaborate on the timings previously provided; Meaning the previous timings are still valid. 

However, this insight appears to provide very ominous and disturbing suggestions as to the mechanism and background of the Covid-19 agenda and the lockdown.

The Moon gives a chilling suggestion about the 'one who will come'. The psychopathic ones atop the pyramid are reputed to be awaiting 'the new messiah' who will be the leader of the New World Order. So this suggests 'the necessary preparations' are being undertaken behind the smokescreen of the lockdowns etc ... 

Stone Six appears to be referring to those who instigated this mass trauma based mind control ... 'the great work' around 24 - 30 January (Wuhan official story outbreak) and 'good fortune shared' and 'material success' ... together with the 'fluctuation' of The Moon paints the story of a deliberate world economic crash and the huge financial gains being made as a result of this contrived evil coup. 

Grail Seven is warning that the lockdown and the MSM coverage is all fearmongering and illusion. And it is necessary for emotional discipline for the best part of the year, to not be taken in by the craziness unfolding. 

Sword King and Stone Queen refer to perhaps to Mr & Mrs Gates who have a highly demonic foundation right in the middle of all this. The cards may be being very sarcastic towards these two twisted psychopaths!  

Sword Hallow provides the notion that dispelling of the lockdown illusion may take place in early 2021; but that which is revealed or seen to be taking place is not necessarily for the good of mankind. Well it won't be in truth.