Further Reading

Friday 3 April 2020

How to Stop Yourself in the Middle of an Overreaction

[Wake Up World]: Tensions are high right now as the world finds itself in the grip of a global pandemic. Normal ways of life are being uprooted, and it’s understandable that people are feeling a little on-edge.

Perhaps it’s your child’s first week of online school, and you receive an email from their teacher expressing concern that your child is skipping out on classes. You see red, and if steam could pour from a human’s ears cartoon-style, you’d be a teakettle ready to blow. You’re about to give junior a harsh talking to about the value of learning responsibility.

Slow down. Words can sting, so before you utter something that can crush your child’s delicate spirit, get a handle on your emotions. Now, more than ever, we need to learn how to handle our emotions and stop ourselves from stressing out, overreacting and flying off the handle at those we love — especially if you might be in close quarters with your family or roommates indefinitely!

You can learn to stop yourself in the middle of an overreaction by practicing a few simple tips...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...