Further Reading

Monday 6 April 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 97 of 365

So we are fully into the CoVid-19 crisis, and it appears to be going exactly how The Death Cult had planned it. And we're all apparent sitting ducks. And their 'live drill' is seemingly unravelling exactly how their simulations predicted it would. The entire world seems to be on lockdown ... and the end game appears to be in sight.

We have our 'saviour' Bill Gates becoming more and more in the public eye with his demands for mandatory vaccination for all of us before we can return back to normal.

It appears to be a fearful time, and there are tens of thousands of humans very scared at the moment. Their fear adding to the already overburdened negative vibration of the planet. All hope seems to be lost ... if you go with the fear and look at it in the way The Death Cult wants you to look at it. We appear to be staring death in the face; awaiting the day the dreaded vaccine needle goes into our arm and the digital ID enters our bodies. Awaiting then the connection to their hellish computer grid ... the biological human seemingly becoming surplus to requirement.


If you refuse to go with the fear and see the wood for the trees. You see the terrible elephant in the room. You see that the emperor is most certainly naked! You don't see what they are telling you to see.

You think the fear is your fear? It is their fear directed at us because they are scared of us. And when a scared beast gets pushed into a corner it unleashes all its defences as a last resort. To survive.

I could be wrong and I could be offering false hope. Because on the face of it all appears to be lost. Our freedom. Our hard earned savings. Our properties. Our careers. Our world. But you see all that when you permit yourself to submit to the transmitted fear.

If you don't and you step back and see the bigger picture. This is all merely an adventure. You are an observer of experiences. No matter what way this all pans out, remember you already know the outcome within you. Where you entered into this realm is the same place that you leave. Your consciousness knows your future when it begins this trail because it meets itself exiting at the time of death.

It's really not worth going with the fear. The ultimate fear is the fear of dying. This is the power they use to have a hold on you. I've faced death several times. One with a condition that ended up being far worse than anything CoVid-19 can present. I have no fear of death ...and with this realisation I face this dire present day with acceptance. Acceptance of whatever lies ahead.