Further Reading

Saturday 18 April 2020

Kabbalah, Corona & the Cyber-Grid Empire

[Neil Hague]: At the time of writing we are in ‘Lockdown’ (which is proving to have increased the deaths in countries who have adopted this method), surrounded by posters telling us to ‘stay in doors’ and ‘not go out’… not that there is anything to go out to. Ghostown by the Specials comes to mind everytime I step outdoors. The NHS posters look too much like the Contagion movie poster for 2011 and Lockdown sounds like a Dystopian Stallone film. Trying to have a sensible conversation about facts regarding the current ‘Corona Curfew”, is like trying to debate with a Jehovahs Witness about ‘the nature of Jehovah’. The mainstream media became their mantra.

Social media went into overdrive at the time of the outbreak, with much information circulating about 5G and the impact this technology would (could) have on our mind and body. But also its possible impact on our ability to ‘access higher levels of awareness’. The implications for our health due to the roll out of 5G, along with the Coronavirus Act 2020, will be devastating for freedom in the long term. The imagery coming out the Television land, showing people covered in plastic from head to toe was on a par with the 17th Century Plague Doctor outfits. Some outfits in the USA and elsewhere were beyond ludicrous.

What wasn’t shown in the mainstream press was the ‘possibility’ of the virus ‘symptoms’ being connected to 5G technology; or at least similar symptoms said to be caused by COVID-19 being attributed to side effects relating to 5G microwaves. When the author David Icke touched on the subject in April via the social media platform, London Real, the censors went into overdrive, banning his video. Facebook went as far as labeling anyone who questioned the 5G connection as ‘far right’. Yet, insurance firms still won’t insure against the 5G...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>...