Further Reading

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Living Your Life Purpose: Are You in the Flow?

[Wake Up World]: Before we can live our life purpose or be on our path, we have to answer the call; then we get on the path, then we live it.

At this point you’ve already gotten plenty of practice and worked through your head game per the last phase. If you haven’t, go back and re-work it because in this phase you’re no longer doubting yourself or your mission. Now you’re living your purpose.

Being on your path is living your purpose, doing it, being it. It means you’ve identified and accepted your life purpose. You’re ready and willing to live it and you are.

Our life purpose is what we committed to do before we incarnated on earth using our skills, talents and gifts. Your purpose may be similar to someone else’s but as we are all unique, it won’t look the same. For example, your purpose, like many others, may be to be a healer. What kind of healer you are and how you do it will be different from the next person, even if you are using the same modality. Everyone has their distinctive twist on how they do things. And you are you. No one has your energy, personality and life experiences except you....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...