Further Reading

Sunday 26 April 2020

The Darkness Before The Dawn

Are you SHOCKED and CONFUSED by what is taking place on planet Earth? If you are then it is probable that the instigators of 'Covid-19' are brainwashing you at this time. 

They are desperate to gain total control over all the goyim on planet Earth. So desperate they risk defying universal law, by creating manufactured chaos in order to access your subconscious and literally scramble your perceptions ... rewriting the perceptions they so desperately need you to have.

So you then THINK how they want you to think, so then you will CREATE the reality they so desperately desire.

I guess I've been cursed with insights about this approaching 'Ragnarok' since I was a young child. I've had insights into the workings of 'The Lords Of Chaos' for decades. In mid 2017 it became more apparent to me that something extremely bad like 'the darkness before the dawn' was about to occur. In late 2018 I began warning everyone on this blog that 2020 was going to be bad ... and that for some reason November 2020 was a threshold or cut off point. We're on day 117 of 365 - approximately a third of the way through 2020, and it's pretty awful at the minute.

What is intended after November 2020, in around 190 days from now .... is apparently the culmination of EVERYTHING they have been negatively creating for centuries ... I glean it could be the dawn of their New Age ... the arrival of the New World Order. I need to have this confirmed. But by November 2020 I believe they have to have digitally labelled humans as a reality, in order to succeed in their sick plans.

Thus, they are frantic with their manipulation of our minds, and with their manipulation of world governments to enforce digital tagging on the populations in each country. It is a real desperation on their part ... 

We need a large sway of the human race to resist this deliberate re-programming of our minds. It is time to reject the shock and the confusion they are creating ... and see the true picture. It is likely there IS a Covid-19 virus ... but the number of actual deaths are very low ... and the need for these lockdowns and social distancing is not required. Somehow we need to deny their perceptions to become our thoughts ... by rejecting their perceptions ... their desired reality doesn't happen ....