Further Reading

Thursday 30 April 2020

YouTube Is Banning Coronavirus Content That Contradicts The World Health Organization

[Collective Evolution]: YouTube is now actively banning any content that contradicts anything that the World Health Organization (WHO) with regards to the new coronavirus.

Should people have the right to access information openly and freely and decide for themselves what is real and what is fake? Should people be able to examine sources and evidence for themselves and make their own decisions on information?

We are now living in a time where a digital authoritarian ‘fact checker’ is patrolling the internet and censoring content it deems as ‘false.’ Regardless if the content is simply a shared opinion by experts in the field or if the content is backed by credible sources, information and evidence, it is still being censored and removed by YouTube as well as other platforms on the internet like Facebook and Vimeo. Should people not have the right to examine information, check sources, and determine and decide for themselves what is real and what is fake?

YouTube recently announced that they will ban any coronavirus-related content that directly contradicts World Health Organization advice. According to the BBC, “The Google-owned service says it will remove anything it deems medically unsubstantiated.” Chief executive Susan Wojcicki said the media giant wanted to stamp out “misinformation on the platform.”.

Herin lies the problem, whatever they determine to be “medically unsubstantiated” is not debatable, despite the actual fact that many times, it is. The point is, they don’t give you that opportunity. Shouldn’t information be allowed to circulate openly and freely without the intervention of a ‘fact checker’ who has the power and the ability to get rid of it and decide for the people what is real, and what is fake? What is true, and what is not true? What is worth a read or a listen, and what is not worth a read or a listen? Should that not be an individual choice? ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...