Further Reading

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Coronavirus testing is really about harvesting your DNA for a government database

[Natural News]: Testing, testing, and more testing: This is all that the government can talk about these days in response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – that and a future vaccine, of course.

But what if we told you that the true intent behind mass testing is to steal people’s DNA and store it away in government databases?

It might sound like some kind of crazy sci-fi flick, but hear us out. Back in late April when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was asked about what happens after a person is tested for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and whether the results “automatically go into some kind of database,” this was Cuomo’s chilling response:

Yes, your result will be logged into both a state and county database through an electronic lab reporting system. The database includes your name.”

When further pressed about what a positive test result entails from the government’s standpoint, Cuomo explained that all newly infected are being ordered by their county health departments to quarantine for 14 days from the time of their most recent symptoms. They are also being asked to procure the names of anyone they may have come into contact with so that they, too, can be told to quarantine....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...