Further Reading

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Do You Want Change? Or, Do You Want to Change?

[Wake Up World]: When you look outward into the world and you see the crowds and how they are, you see the news and what we do, you watch your own family and see the state they are in. Are you impressed or embarrassed?

Do you think we are doing a good job overall or do you feel despair? Do you think things are just “the way they are”? Do you even care?

Do you think you could help change things or do you just accept them and repress whatever problems they are causing you personally? Maybe you feel so helpless that you tend to put your head back in the sand and try and simply ignore what’s going on.

The big question is: Is the mind-tickling digital world a fulfilling enough distraction for you to bear what’s happening around you in the physical world?

We are physical beings after all. Are you happy to spend your time, predominantly in the mind? How does that make you feel! ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...