Further Reading

Saturday 30 May 2020

Insights in 2020: Day 151/365

So, we've reached the half way point of 2020, and for most of us it's been the worst experiences of our lives over the last 3 months ... ever since the 'expert scientists' advised our governments to put us all under medical martial law, due to the legendary Covid-19.

A so called deadly virus that doesn't kill anyone, but gets the immune system of its victims to overload, and murder those with underlying health conditions.

Because it is murder. Covid-19 is manmade.

It's not the virus that is being broadcast everywhere as part of the official story ... it is in truth a bacteria that causes the blood to clot, resulting in the person developing a deadly thrombosis causing their blood to cease flowing around the veins, and thus no longer able to carry enough oxygen to the heart and lungs resulting in the person being unable to breathe properly. This will cause the person's vital organs to shut down.

But that's irrelevant in truth. It's the satanic cult's end game script to destroy the will of mankind and gain control of planet earth, all in time for their grand master Enlil .... a devious Anunnaki alien being who in ages past had decreed that all of mankind was to be wiped out, as they'd served their purpose as a slave race ... to arrive and take back the reigns of control on this planet. The is who we glean their 'Satan' is ... 

And this is an ancient tale that has never had a conclusion, since mankind's DNA was known to Enki ... and had provided the biblical Noah the codes to enable Homo Sapien to be reanimated via Noah's Ark ... this virtual world we exist in.

However ... there are to be many twists and turns before that conclusion is reached ... the plans by The Evil Mr Gates to vaccinate us all; inject a digital chip; link us to a surveillance and payment system ... are not a guaranteed outcome. Much work is being done to oppose this evil. 

What we can say is that the remaining months of 2020 and most of 2021 are treacherous to say the least. I feel like one of the 'historians' in the Netflix Traveler series! I have insights of an ever changing future ... we are not of the woods by a long shot ... but its not guaranteed that we become slaves then get exterminated as they plan ...