Further Reading

Saturday 30 May 2020

Tech giants, fake news media in PANIC over Trump’s targeting of Sec. 230; ending “viewpoint censorship” would crush fake news media’s propaganda monopolies on vaccines, 5G and GMOs

[Natural News]: The techno-fascist “Big Tech” information gatekeepers have relied on sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act to allow the fake news media (mainstream media – CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to monopolize all the debates on issues of grave concern for human health and long-term human sustainability.

Thanks to the selective “viewpoint censorship” actively carried out by Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Wikipedia and even Vimeo, no independent, informed reporting on critical issues for our world — vaccine safety, 5G exposure, GMOs, pesticides, covid-19, etc. — has been allowed to earn the viewership it deserves.

All that is about to change, thanks to President Trump’s executive order which threw down the gauntlet against Big Tech, declaring that the United States government will not tolerate tech platforms waging discrimination campaigns against particular viewpoints.

This means the lies of the corporate-controlled media — who absurdly claim that all vaccines are harmless, that GMOs are healthy, that 5G exposure is safe and that colloidal silver is toxic — will finally be challenged by the overwhelming weight of rational evidence that is being increasingly documented by independent media organizations like Natural News, Life Site News, The Epoch Times, The Highwire and so on...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...