Further Reading

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The Observer Part 1

This is DAY 141/365 and I am choosing to be nothing more than the observer witnessing what is transpiring. I feel unthreatened by what is unfolding on Planet Earth with regard to the approaching 'Covid-19 Tyranny'. I stand back away from the forest ... I witness the bigger picture.

Those in the frenzied and fearful fray exhibit classic symptoms of 'not seeing the wood for the trees'. They emit fear and anxiety and reduce their immune system in the process. The demonic wolves are loving it ... they have a 'KFC drive through' off all the fear the brainwashed human sheep are putting out.

From me there is no fear. The spectre of the Bill gates vaccines and the technocracy planetary control mean nothing to me. I merely report articles on the net here because it amuses me to read all the theories, and all the assumptions.

I see clearly the demonic wolves are releasing many of these stories and theories in order for the fear factory to go into production. They are hungry and want more fear energy being manufactured. There is a truth behind all of what is alleged to be going on. And, that is the fact the ruling elite are very scared of the 'human garbage' ... they desire to destroy the civilisation of mankind. But there is another faction that opposes them. It is silent. It escapes detection in any of the internet sites. But it is there and it is fighting the dark elite by stealth ... covertly ... a powerful group of entities.

From where I stand, beyond the forest, fearless ... taking the p155 out of those who fall for the social distancing BS. I understand what is really behind the Covid-19 virus ... and it's not what anyone is reporting....

Anyway, here in the UK we are apparently reaching a point of more 'freedoms' as kind Boris is willing to relinquish some more of the restrictions in 10 days time. Let me see ... that will be 30th June 2020 .. I recall a prediction I made ...

My question was when the lockdown will come to an end, and if we will get back to some kind of normality. 

The Sword Knight is leading us to the period 6 - 12 June, 10/11 weeks from now. Or ten weeks after next week. My favourite place, Glastonbury Tor, is in the background. Currently it is impossible to get to go anywhere let alone Glastonbury! So the message here is there is likely to be returning freedoms in 10/11 weeks time!!! Perhaps the chance to have limited travel, but not much else. But there seems to be some abatement to the current draconian house arrest we are all subjected too.

Then, the right card is the Spear Eight, and it depicts a free flowing river at the period 8 - 14 Aug which is a further 9/10 weeks after the middle card. So that's a total of 10 + 10 weeks before some kind of release of the lockdown!!! But I note the river is flowing towards me in the image, and there is some kind of rapid. Which means there may well be freedom but its against the flow ... something about real difficulties after freedom of some degree returns. Prices to pay. Terms and conditions. Nothing given back for free. A price to pay.

6-12 June 2020 is in 17 - 23 days from now. I can already go to Glastonbury now if I choose to ... that was a restriction released last week .... unlimited travel in England only.

We are getting to know very slowly what the terms and conditions are and what the price is we will have to pay ...

But hey, it's all part and parcel of the human experience is it not? Night night.