Further Reading

Thursday 4 June 2020

Bill Gates warns anti-vaxxers could stop Covid-19 jab working if they refuse to have it as Oxford University's experimental jab will now be tested in Brazil because Britain's outbreak is slowing

Why oh why are we letting this psychopathic mass murderer have his sick say? He wants to depopulate this planet! Of course people are going to object to having his toxic poisons in them.

This sick bastard is never going to admit to the fact his kill switch vaccine is dangerous and a trojan horse for more sinister agendas!!

He's got funding all over the place to have the likes of the MSM to say nice things about him. He slips millions here and there to ensure his insane plan can unfold. 

Covid-19 DOES NOT warrant all this hype, this over-reaction and a Bill Gates 'cure'. Bullshit Bill ... Genocidal Gates ... who will go down in human history as the biggest mass murderer of them all if he gets his way with his Covid-19 killer jab!!

[Daily Mail]: Bill Gates today warned anti-vaxxers could wreck attempts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine if they refuse to take it and reduce the level of herd immunity.

Over 80 per cent of people may need to have the jab for it to work properly - but he feared anti-vaccine 'craziness' might put people off getting it.

The billionaire founder of Microsoft, who now donates hundreds of millions of dollars to global health causes, said the prospect was 'worrying'.

Vaccines can only be successful at stamping out a virus if so many people get them that a vast majority of the population is immune and the disease can no longer spread....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...