Further Reading

Thursday 4 June 2020

Daily Merlin - 'A Return to the 3-5-7 Mystery'

So the 3-5-7 mystery has returned to the MSM scrapbooks. Is it a mere distraction, to draw us away from the Covid-19 overload? Or is there something really constructive intended with the return of the news reports on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Either way, it is the cue for us to return to undertaking Daily Merlin insights on the situation. Those of you who've stuck with us since those early day back in 2007, will know that we earned ourselves a bit of a reputation doing the Daily Merlin insights. We also became involved, somewhat in the search for MM ... actual family members sending us personal items, and certain family members talking to us directly.

So it's only right to make this return ... we did say at the time, back in 2007, that it was probable that MM might appear back when she is 17 ...

Tonight's Daily Merlin is based around the current news stories that a German pedo was somehow involved in the disappearance of MM.

We don't get that with this spread of The Servants Of The Light tarot. We see a developing story. A concoction. The central image can be perceived as the cloud making machine generating another smokescreen. But nowhere in these cards is there a single hint of 'The Shining Star' (MM). There are contracts written and parts agreed for something later down the line ... but whatever is apparently uncovered is staged. 

Someone, somewhere, has rattled the cage of those who know the truth about MM, and so they have responded with this. And it does appear like a smokescreen ... and with the High Priestess around, expect the unexpected. 

The substance to all of this ... if MM had sadly passed, then the evidence would most surely have come out. The fact there is still silence, and yet more supposed money being raised for the search, implies she is very much alive and well. 

On a final note .. the card on the top right indicates a man, a woman with two twins in the background. This card has to suggest the McCanns. The Prime of Staves (Ace Of Wands) indicates some fresh energy/vigour to the investigation. Apparent new faces in the hunt. We still say the location of MM is known, but there is some issue that makes it impossible to get her back from where she has been held.

Somebody has the compulsive belief that they have the guardianship to MM, and no amount of pressure will get them to release her. A family of influence/wealth can make things impossible with the connections they will have - Matthew James